So the spring of 1945 saw the ENIAC team on the one hand, and Alan Turing on the other, arrive naturally at the idea of constructing a universal machine with a single 'tape'.
But they did so in rather different ways.
The ENIAC, now already shown to be out-of-date in principle even before it was finished, had been something of a sledgehammer in cracking open the problem.
And von Neumann had been obliged to hack his way through the jungle of every known approach to computation, assimilating all the current needs of military research and the capabilities of American industry.
The result was something close to the Lancelot Hogben view of science: the political and economic needs of the day determining new ideas.
But when Alan Turing spoke of 'building a brain', he was working and thinking alone in his spare time, pottering around in a British back garden shed with a few pieces of equipment grudgingly conceded by the secret service.
He was not being asked to provide the solution to numerical problems such as those von Neumann was engaged upon; he had been thinking for himself.
He had simply put together things that no one had put together before: his one-tape universal machine, the knowledge that large-scale electronic pulse technology could work, and the experience of turning cryptanalytic thought into 'definite methods' and 'mechanical processes'.
Since 1939 he had been concerned with little but symbols, states, and instruction tables—and with the problem of embodying these as effectively as possible in concrete forms.
Now he could consummate it all.