日期:2018-12-13 14:29


But in fact Gambier-Parry's staff were working in a dream war themselves, one in which they knew neither the significance of what they were doing, nor what anyone else did.
The newcomer would spend many months before being able to work out that the organisation came under the direction of the secret service.
Alan's first contact with Hanslope Park came in about September 1943, when he cycled the ten miles from Bletchley to inspect the possibilities.
A senior ex-Post Office man, W.H. 'Jumbo' Lee, was deputed to look after his requirements.
Hanslope was not exactly a model of spit-and-polish smartness; some of its uniformed personnel were 'real soldiers' but many were of an unmilitary disposition, transferred straight from the Post Office, Cable and Wireless, and similar organisations.
There was, however, a sufficiently military air at Hanslope for a misunderstanding to arise when 'Jumbo' Lee introduced Alan to his superior, Major Keen.
'Dick' Keen was the top British expert on radio direction-finding, who had written the only textbook on the subject during the First World War, and spent much of the Second on writing a new edition.
Alan and 'Jumbo' Lee stood together at his door and Keen waved them away, assuming from his appearance that Alan was a cleaner or delivery boy.
