And he also lent her a remarkable new novel.
It was by his friend Fred Clayton, though under a pseudonym, and had been published in January 1943.
The Cloven Pine, as it was called, in a cryptic reference to Ariel's imprisonment by Sycorax in The Tempest,
vented groans about politics and sex which were closer to Fred's experiences and problems than to Alan's,
Fred having set his plot in the Germany of 1937 and 1938, and drawing upon his complex and conflicting reactions to the Vienna and Dresden of a little earlier.
He had tried to understand the collapse of the ideals of 1933.
On one level, he showed German individuals, no less and no more lovable than English individuals.
On another, he showed the system, the Nazi system.
And while he portrayed himself as the Englishman, asking how Germans could believe such things, he tried to see himself and English attitudes through German eyes.
In an internationalist gesture, The Cloven Pine was dedicated jointly to George, his younger brother, and to Wolf, one of the boys in Dresden that he had known.
'Freedom and consistency of mind', he had the German boy of his story think to himself, analysing English liberalism, 'They were illusions!
What freedom or consistency was there in this Self, a thing of moods that did not understand one another. ...'
It was the conclusion of a King's liberal, trying hard to comprehend the absolute denial of Self.