Although the British produced the first working high-speed four-wheel Bombe in June 1943, the Americans produced more and better Bombes after August.
By the end of 1943 they had taken over the U-boat work entirely, and had spare capacity for other Enigma problems.
If they did not need Alan Turing on what had become a routine task.
He had already been introduced to the job of inspecting speech cipher systems, and to the delicate work of Anglo-American liaison.
The Allies now had the problem of recovering from the delays and narrow vision of 1942, at a time when communications were expanding enormously and growing towards their great climax.
The times had been out of joint, something they could not afford to allow in the intricate plans for 1944.
For Alan Turing this would be dull and dispiriting work compared with the excitement of the relay race; but it was the job crying out for expert attention.
After June 1943 the Atlantic war turned dramatically in favour of the Allies, with ship sinkings reduced to tolerable levels.
In retrospect, March 1943 had seen 'the crisis' of the battle of the Atlantic, and thereafter it could be claimed that 'the U-boat was defeated'.
But more truly, 1943 saw a continuing state of crisis, one in which it was not the boat but the system that was beaten from day to day by a superior system.
At last they introduced long-range air patrols to cover the mid-Atlantic gap.
And the logical advantage held by the U-boats in 1940 had been reversed.