日期:2018-11-12 18:00


Then on his side, Shannon had also independently thought about logical machines.
From 1936 to 1938 he had been working on the differential analyser at MIT, and had designed a logical apparatus with relays in connection with a particular problem.
This in turn had led him to write a paper in 1937 which drew the connection between the 'switching' operations of electromagnetic relays, and Boolean algebra—hence doing this just as Alan was designing his electric multiplier at Princeton.
Alan showed Computable Numbers to Shannon, which he read, immediately impressed.
They also discussed the idea implicit in Computable Numbers, an idea of which they were independently convinced.
Shannon had always been fascinated with the idea that a machine should be able to imitate the brain;
he had studied neurology as well as mathematics and logic, and had seen his work on the differential analyser as a first step towards a thinking machine.
They found their outlook to be the same: there was nothing sacred about the brain, and that if a machine could do as well as a brain, then it would be thinking—although neither proposed any particular way in which this might be achieved.

  • logicn. 逻辑,逻辑学,条理性,推理
  • neurologyn. 神经学,神经病学
  • imitatevt. 仿制,仿造,模仿,仿效
  • differentialadj. 差别的,特定的,微分的 n. 两路线的运费差额
  • convincedadj. 信服的
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • implicitadj. 含蓄的,暗示的,固有的,无疑问的,无保留的,绝
  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的
  • logicaladj. 符合逻辑的,逻辑上的,有推理能力的
  • apparatusn. 装置,器具,器官,机构,组织