No one could speak except on the understanding that what they were saying was being overheard in Berlin.
There was a row in September 1942, when Prince Olaf of Norway had to be refused permission to talk to his five-year-old daughter, lest it set a precedent for the transmission of uncensored messages by governments-in-exile.
The essential difficulty of providing speech secrecy lay in the overwhelming redundancy of speech, as compared with writing.
Some efforts were being made at Dollis Hill to create a more sophisticated system, but American developments were much further ahead, and part of Alan's assignment was to investigate them.
It marked a shift from the cryptanalytic to the cryptographic side.
Speech secrecy was in another sense also a problem to the British authorities.
In 1940 it had not been too difficult: a few jolly clever chaps in a country house were having a go at breaking German codes.
In 1941 it changed: Churchill was getting the most important information from a source which only a select few knew about.
The problem was to throw a ring of secrecy around this mushrooming department which lay outside the normal structure of the state.
But by 1942 the problem had changed again. Bletchley Park was no longer outside the ordinary channels: it dominated them.
There were sixty keysystems broken, producing fifty thousand decrypted messages a month—one every minute.
The old days of 'Red' and 'Yellow' were long over and the soaring imagination of the analysts, exhausting the colours of the rainbow, had plundered the vegetable and animal kingdoms:
Quince for the SS key, Chaffinch for Rommel's reports to Berlin, Vulture for the Wehrmacht on the Russian front.
Certain key-systems were used with the proper safeguards, and with these Bletchley was powerless.
The Shark system, as they called the U-boat key, still remained intact but for those three days in February and March 1942.
But except for these gaps, the German radio communication system had become an open book—to an elite.