Guyanese carpenter Nandlall Mangal has won US$245.6 million in the Powerball game in New York.
According to the New York Post, Mangal said "I'm sure my life is gonna change a lot".
"It's a lot of money," Mangal added. "I have no idea what's going to happen," aside from a trip to Hawaii that he says he will take.
The report said that Mangal, 42, bought a US$6 Quick Pick ticket on Aug. 11 while purchasing groceries at the Stop & Shop supermarket on Hylan Boulevard.
报道中指出,8月11日,42岁的曼格尔在海兰大道Stop & Shop店购买杂货时,顺手买了一张6美元的随机选取彩票。
The carpenter who lives with his wife in a humble ranch home in New Dorp, remembers putting away his groceries and tossing aside the ticket.
He said he didn't learn he was filthy rich for days, after he heard no one had claimed the winnings and he figured he should look at his ticket.
"I really don't check the ticket that often," Mangal said of the few times he has bought one, generally when the jackpot goes north of (US) $100 million.