从盛情款待到抓狂! 观光客暴增令日本人抱怨'旅游污染'
日期:2018-09-19 21:39


Japan's traditional sense of "omotenashi", meaning to wholeheartedly look after guests, is wearing decidedly thin as residents of many of the nation's must-see tourist spots increasingly express their frustration at loud and disrespectful foreigners, crowded public transport and poor etiquette among visitors.
The problem has become so bad in some towns, such as the ancient capitals of Kyoto and Kamakura, that local people are complaining to their local authorities about "tourism pollution".
Locals say it is difficult to get on buses that go near the most famous sights, while demand for accommodation has encouraged unscrupulous landlords to lease out unlicensed properties.

从盛情款待到抓狂! 观光客暴增令日本人抱怨'旅游污染'

Foreign tourists also are often unaware of local customs -- such as meticulously separating rubbish before it is collected -- which has added to the friction with local people.
The city's tourism authorities say they are aware of the problems and are taking measures to reduce discord between locals and visitors.
More than 20 million foreign tourists arrived in Japan in the first eight months of the year and the annual total is expected to break the 30 million barrier, up from 28.7 million arrivals last year.

  • accommodationn. 住处,膳宿;适应,和解
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • frustrationn. 挫折,令人沮丧的东西
  • disrespectfuladj. 无礼的;失礼的;不尊敬的
  • discordn. 不调和,分歧,意见不一 vi. 不一致,不协调
  • transportn. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒
  • unawareadj. 没有发觉的,不知道的
  • frictionn. 摩擦,摩擦力,分歧
  • rubbishn. 垃圾,废物,废话 v. 贬损
  • unscrupulousadj. 肆无忌惮的,不道德的