1. Flight attendant
1. 空乘人员
Not only will they pay you to travel the world, but you will also earn enough money to live a debt-free life - with a careful budgeting, of course. Ladies who know two or more languages and are not afraid to fly will love this job. There are many airlines to choose from these days, so feel free to let them know about your skills.
不仅他们会支付你环游世界的费用,而且你还会得到丰厚的薪水,过无债生活--当然,前提是不大手大脚的花钱 。掌握两种或两种以上语言且不恐惧飞行的女士会爱上这份工作 。现而今,可供选择的航空公司有很多,所以尽情地向他们展示你的技能吧 。
2. Fashion buyer
2. 时尚买手
If you are looking for a job in a fashion industry, why not become a fashion buyer? Fashion buyers typically work for retail chains and department stores, albeit you start your own business. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average fashion buyer makes around $61,000 per year. If you work full time, you may also get paid time off, and in many cases, a health care package.
如果你想从事与时尚相关的工作,为什么不做一名时尚买手呢?通常情况下,时尚买手为连锁店和百货商场服务,但也不乏自己创业的买手 。根据美国劳工统计局的数据,时尚买手的年平均收入约为61000美元 。如果是全职,你还可享受带薪休假的福利,在很多情况下,还可同时享受医疗保健服务 。
3. Game translator
3. 游戏翻译员
Looking to work from home? You can earn pretty much if you become a game translator. Translating games is a lot more interesting than translating legal texts. With a great number and variety of games appearing every day, you will always have what to translate. Just make sure you know that language well. Depending on the location, company, industry, and your experience, you can earn up to $51,000 per year.
想在家工作?如果你能翻译游戏,那也可享有丰厚的待遇 。翻译游戏可比翻译法律文件有趣多了 。每天都会涌现各种各样的游戏,所以不愁没有游戏可翻 。但一定要确保自己对所翻译的语言十分了解 。基于地点、公司、行业和你的经验,你的年收入最高可达51000美元 。
4. Photographer
4. 摄影师
Although you do not have to speak well to shoot well, today most companies are looking for photographers who know foreign languages and are ready to travel around the world. Get paid to travel and do the job you are passionate about, without working too hard.
尽管拍照好的人不一定非得说得好,但当今时代,大多数公司都在寻找掌握外语并可以在世界各地到处跑的摄影师 。既可在旅行的途中获得报酬,又能从事自己热衷的事业,而且工作也不会很辛苦,真好!
5. Foreign journalist
5. 外国记者
Foreign journalists are in high demand today. If you are a journalist who can speak a language other than your native one, why not apply for a foreign correspondent? Even though this career choice has its risks, it is an interesting job that is particularly perfect for single people. The average salary is $65,000 per year, albeit some correspondents earn $100,000 per year.
今天,市场急需外国记者 。如果你是一位记者(除了会说本国语外,还会说另一种语言),那为何不申请外国记者的岗位呢?尽管这一职业选择存在风险,但它也非常有趣,特别适合单身人士 。外国记者的年平均收入为65000美元,而有些记者的年收入可达10万美元 。