By a show of hands, who loves themselves some caffeine? I am pretty sure my blood type is C for "caffeine," that is how much I drink. Sadly, not everyone can handle absurd doses of caffeine.
如果你喜欢咖啡因,那就举举手!我确定,我是C型血(caffeine)--超爱咖啡因 。但不幸的是,并非每个人的身体机制都能消化大量咖啡因 。
Overdosing is no joke, and it can happen in the course of one day, when you are not even thinking about it. Like when you are studying for a big test or writing a Master's dissertation perhaps? The thing is, ingesting massive amounts of caffeine all at once is dangerous since the body does not have time to react. It takes at least four hours before you start feeling the effects of an overdose.
过量饮用可不是开玩笑的,一天中的任何时候都有可能发生咖啡因饮用过量的情况,甚至在你意识不到的情况下 。比如,大考前奋战苦读,或是写研究生毕业论文?重点是,一次性饮用大量咖啡因是非常危险的,因为我们的身体并没有足够的时间做出反应 。若过量饮用咖啡因,至少需要4小时才能体会过量饮用带来的'痛苦' 。
Here are the signs and symptoms of caffeine overdose to keep you on your toes:
这些迹象和症状或表明你咖啡因摄入过多,需要当心 。
This is your number one signal to stop consuming caffeine for the rest of the day. Jitters are a sensation of tremors or shaking. Sometimes, they are minute, and you may just think your nerves are getting to you. In some cases, jitters can be so bad that they look like a small seizure.
这是当天不能再摄入咖啡因的头号迹象 。抖动指的是震颤或颤抖的感觉 。有时候,这种感觉非常微弱,你可能会将其归因为神经紧张 。而在某些情况下,你会抖动得非常厉害,看起来就像是轻微的癫痫发作 。
Other signs of overdose
Maybe you are not the type to experience jitters (like me). Here are some other conditions to look out for that, while might not seem connected to caffeine overload, are definitely signs:
也许你不是那种咖啡因摄入过量就会抖动的人(比如我) 。那你就需要注意这些症状,虽然它们与咖啡因摄入过量看似毫无关联:
· Dizziness
· 头晕
· Diarrhea
· 腹泻
· Headaches - contrary to some people's way of thinking, this is not a call for more caffee!
· 头痛--与某些人的想法恰恰相反,这可不是再来一杯咖啡的迹象!
· Dehydration or an increased feeling of thirst
· 脱水或总是感觉口渴
· Insomnia
· 失眠
· Fever
· 发烧
· Irritability
· 喜怒无常
Funny how these can often be mistaken for caffeine withdrawal. If you just had a shot of espresso an hour ago and are already feeling or experiencing these ill-effects, don't go reaching for another cup!
有趣的是,这些迹象通常被误认为是咖啡因脱瘾的症状 。如果你一小时前刚喝了一杯浓缩咖啡,而且也已经感受到或正在感受这些不良症状,请千万别再喝一杯了!
Serious symptoms
Lastly, I just wanted to touch on the most portentous of symptoms that come with consuming more caffeine than what your body can handle. If these ensure, be sure to get yourself medical attention immediately:
最后,我想谈一谈咖啡因摄入过量所带来的其它严重症状 。如果有如下症状,请务必立即就医:
· Vomiting
· 呕吐
· Hallucinations
· 出现幻觉
· Confusion
· 困惑
· Chest pain
· 胸痛
· Irregular or "tachy" heartbeat
· 无规律的或快速心跳
· Muscle spasms and other uncontrollable movements
· 肌肉痉挛或其它无法控制的情况
· Convulsions
· 惊厥
· Trouble breathing
· 呼吸困难