1.) Ask them why they feel this way
1.) 询问她们为什么会有这种感受
They might not have reasons for hating him that make any sense, and you might really have a tough time during this conversation. That's okay. It's not going to be that enjoyable for you (or for your friends). What matters is that you're listening and that you're not just telling your friends that because they say that they hate your boyfriend, you're never going to talk to them again.
闺蜜讨厌男朋友的理由或许并无意义,这样的对话可能会让你十分煎熬 。不过没关系 。于你或朋友而言,这样的对话本身就不愉快 。重要的是你在倾听朋友的感受,而不是告诉她:就是因为她讨厌你的男朋友,你就要和她断交 。
Chances are, you don't want to ruin your friendships over this. That would really be a shame. Remember that friends have different personalities and likes and dislikes. That's what makes friendship so interesting. We don't have to agree all of the time.
你可能并不想让这件事破坏你们的友谊 。如果真的发生这种情况,那就太可惜了 。你要记住,朋友的性格和喜恶不尽相同 。所以,友谊才会如此有趣啊!不一定非得事事达成一致 。
2.) Tell them that you love him and they need to accept that
2.) 告诉闺蜜你爱他的事实,请她们接受这一点
If your friends hate your boyfriend, that doesn't mean that you have to hate him and break up with him. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? It's possible that they're envious of you, especially if they're single or not happy in their own relationship. They could be projecting their feelings onto you.
如果你的朋友讨厌你的男朋友,这并不意味着你也得讨厌他,和他分手 。人人都有话语权,对不?很有可能她们只是嫉妒你,当她们单身或恋情不幸时更是如此 。她们可能把自己的感受强加到了你身上 。
When you're in this situation, here's something that you should definitely do: tell your friends that you love your boyfriend and that they need to accept that. They might roll their eyes and say that they still don't think that you should be dating him, but that's okay. You don't need to change their minds (and you most likely can't since sometimes, when we have our minds made up about a friend's boyfriend, that's it).
若处于这一境地,你必须这么做:告诉你的闺蜜你爱你的男朋友,请她们接受这一事实 。她们可能会翻白眼,还是认为你不应该再继续和他约会,但没有关系,因为你无需改变她们的想法 。
It's not ideal and you wish that they loved him as much as you do. You wish that they would say that they love seeing you so happy and that they understand exactly what you see in him. Unfortunately, that's not what is happening, and it's a good idea to remember that what matters is that you love him.
虽然这不是理想状况,因为你希望闺蜜也能像你那样喜欢你的男朋友 。你希望听到她们说,看到你这么开心,她们十分欢喜,她们也理解你看上他的原因 。但不幸的是,事实并非如此,你只要记住你爱他,那就够了 。
3.) At the same time, accept how they feel
3.) 同时,接受她们的感受
You're not going to want to do this. You'll tell your boyfriend that it's unfair and you think that your friends are being unreasonable and that it doesn't make any sense. But when your friends hate your boyfriend, this is another thing that you can do: accept how they feel.
你不想这么做 。你会告诉你的男朋友这并不公平,你觉得你的朋友在无理取闹,毫无道理可言 。但当闺蜜讨厌男朋友时,你还可以这么做:接受她们的感受 。