Become The Best Version Of You
Somewhere in your mind, you can see the perfect you. But you're not so foolish as to think that you or anybody else can ever be perfect. The people who matter in your life are attracted to your rough edges. Edges that give you character.
有时候,你能看到完美的自己是什么样子 。但是你并没有蠢到认为有人可以达到完美状态 。对你很重要的那个他是被你的缺点所吸引的,因为缺点也彰显了你的性格 。
But there's a difference between an endearing trait that's unique to you and a trait that others find obnoxious or repulsive. It could be that you're already as good as you can be. But then why would you be reading this article? Deep down, you know there are things about you that you don't want to do.
但是你要搞清楚,你所以为的独特的可爱品质与他人所以为的令人厌恶或讨厌的品质是不是一回事?对,你可能已经很好了 。但你为何要看这篇文章?因为你非常清楚,你其实很想改掉某些品质 。
But just remember, there are certain things about you that you'll never change. It's up to you to make peace with them, and learn how to manage them in a healthy way.
但也要记住:有些事情你是永远都不会改的 。所以让这些品质和平共处、学会管控这些品质才是你应做的事 。
Understand How Men Really Think
There is so much misinformation online about how men think, and what we want. I don't really blame the people who spread these mistruths. Often, men will not be totally honest about what they want because they're afraid of being judged. This is made more difficult because what a man wants can vary widely between guys.
网上有很多关于男人如何思考、想要什么的虚假诱导信息 。我不怪散播这些谣言的人们 。通常,男人不会完全坦诚自己想要什么,因为他们怕被别人说三道四 。因此,理解男人的想法就更为困难,因为不同的男人想要的东西也不尽相同 。
But it's not that difficult to understand some of the basics that apply to all men: We hate drama and women who manufacture it because they are bored in their lives. We love having sex with a woman who accepts us for who we are and is genuinely turned on by us. We need our own space and time away from you to be with our friends or just to do some things without you.
但理解一些适用于男性的基本原则还是很容易的 。我们不喜欢闹剧,也不喜欢闹事的女人,因为这样的女人实在是太无聊了,才会整天作来作去 。我们喜欢和接受我们的本真,对我们感兴趣的女人发生关系 。我们需要私人空间,需要和朋友呆在一起,或者做一些没有你参与的事情 。
We prefer to take the lead in the relationship, but understand that there are times for you to take charge. We want you to be confident as you. There is nothing sexier than a woman who behaves confidently in her life.
我们更喜欢主导这段感情,但请理解:有时候,你也要主动一些 。我们希望你自信,因为自信的女人最性感 。
This is not too hard to understand, right?
The other important point here is that men are how they are. We can't change ourselves to suit you, and the foolish men who do try that end up miserable and single.
还有一点,男人就是这样 。我们不会改变自己来迎合你,只有愚蠢的男人才会那样做,而且到最后,他会是个痛苦的单身狗 。