While everyone loves a lie in, those who do it often have a bigger chance of dying, experts have warned. A major study has found getting more than 10 hours of sleep a night increased the chances of death from stroke by 56% and heart disease by 49%.
专家警告称,虽说每个人都喜欢睡懒觉,但经常睡懒觉却增加了人们死亡的几率 。一项重大研究已发现:每晚睡10小时以上会增加人们死于中风(增加56%)和心脏病(增加49%)的风险 。
Researchers said underlying diseases could be the cause of regular lie ins - and they urged GPs to check the sleep patterns of patients during visits in a bid to save their lives. The study involved more than three million people from 1970 to 2017. It also found poor sleep quality was associated with a 44% increase in heart disease.
研究员表示潜在疾病可能是人们总想睡懒觉的原因--他们敦促全科医生在随访期间检查患者的睡眠模式,以挽救生命 。该研究的时间跨度为1970至2017年,涉及300多万人 。研究还发现:睡眠质量差与心脏病风险增加44%相关 。
Lead researcher Dr Chun Shing Kwok said: "Our study has an important public health impact in that it shows that excessive sleep is a marker of elevated cardiovascular risk. Our findings have important implications as clinicians should have greater consideration for exploring sleep duration and quality in consultations."
首席研究员Chun Shing Kwok博士说道:"我们的研究具有重要的公共卫生意义,因为研究表明,过度睡眠是心血管风险增加的标志 。研究还具有非常重要的启示意义,临床医生需要在患者咨询期间,更多的考虑患者的睡眠时间和睡眠质量 。"
"If excessive sleep patterns are found, particularly prolonged durations of eight hours or more, then clinicians should consider screening for adverse cardiovascular risk factors and obstructive sleep apnea, which is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep."
"若患者睡眠时间过长,尤其是超过八小时及以上,那么临床医生应考虑进一步检查,了解是否有不利于心血管健康的危险因素或阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停的情况 。睡觉时呼吸中断,就会发生这一严重的睡眠紊乱症 。"
The researchers from Keele University, Manchester University, Leeds University and the University of East Anglia reviewed 74 studies. It showed those who got too much sleep were more likely to die during the decades which were studied. One, over 11 years, found people who reported sleeping for more than nine hours had a 25% greater chance of dying from all causes.
来自基尔大学,曼彻斯特大学,利兹大学和东英吉利大学的研究人员对74篇研究进行了综述,并发现:睡眠过多的人在过去几十年的研究中更容易死亡 。其中一项开展11年的研究发现,每晚睡9小时以上的人,其死亡风险增加了25% 。
The review found no difference between those who reported sleeping between seven and eight hours and those who got less than seven. Dr Kwok, a clinical lecturer in cardiology at Keele, added: "This research began because we were interested to know if it was more harmful to sleep below or beyond the recommended sleep ?duration of seven to eight hours.
综述发现,对于每晚睡7至8小时与每晚睡眠少于7小时的人而言,死亡风险并无差异 。基尔大学心脏病学临床讲师Kwok博士补充道:"开展这项研究是因为我们很想知道,睡眠不足推荐量或超过推荐量(7至8小时)所带来的危害哪一种更大 。"
"We further wanted to know how incremental deviation from recommended sleep duration altered risk of mortality and cardiovascular risk. Sleep affects everyone. The amount and quality of our sleep is complex. There are cultural, social, psychological, behavioural, pathophysiological and environmental influences on our sleep."
"我们还想知道,睡眠时间增加会如何对死亡风险和心脏病风险产生影响 。睡眠影响着所有人 。睡眠时间和质量又尤为复杂 。文化、社会、心理、行为、病理生理和环境因素都会影响我们的睡眠 。"