Maybe you're more concerned about mosquitos, spiders, or other seasonally relevant creepy crawlies, but if your summer travel plans could involve encounters with stray dogs or flapping bats, it's better to be safe than sorry and learn a bit about rabies, too.
也许你更担心蚊子、蜘蛛或其它季节性的令人毛骨悚然的爬行动物,但如果你的夏季之旅有遇到流浪狗或蝙蝠的可能性,那最好还是了解一些关于狂犬病的知识 。
Yes, foam-at-the-mouth rabies-and no, it's not just a thing of zombie movies. Luckily, rabies is quite rare in the United States today: Just 23 human cases of rabies have been reported since 2008, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
是的,口吐白沫的狂犬病--但这并不只是一部僵尸电影 。幸运的是,狂犬病在美国非常罕见:自2008年以来,只有23起狂犬病病例,疾病预防与控制中心表示 。
But it still can't hurt to be prepared. Health spoke with Aaron Glatt, MD, chairman of medicine and a hospital epidemiologist at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, New York and a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, to find out more about rabies symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment-but let's hope you never need it.
但如果不加以防备,仍会带来伤害 。《健康》杂志对话艾伦·格拉特医学博士(纽约欧申赛德南拿骚社区医院的医学主任和医院流行病学家、美国传染病学会的发言人),以期了解更多关于狂犬病症状、诊断和治疗的信息--但愿你永远都用不到 。
What is rabies?
Rabies is a virus typically transmitted via the bite of a rabid animal. "You have to have exposure to an animal that has the disease," Dr. Glatt says; you can't just come down with rabies. However, it doesn't have to be a full bite, he cautions. A scratch from an animal with rabies, or even a rabid animal's saliva getting into an open wound, could pass the virus to you, he says.
通常,狂犬病是一种通过狂犬动物咬伤而传播的病毒 。"必须得接触患有该疾病的动物,才会感染,"格拉特医生说道;你不会无缘无故的得狂犬病 。然而,不一定非得咬伤了才会感染,他警告称 。狂犬动物划伤你,或者它的唾液滴到了你的伤口上,也会传递病毒,他说道 。
While most people associate rabies with bats or raccoons, transmission to humans is usually linked to dogs. Unlike in the U.S., many other countries have large populations of strays, Dr. Glatt says, some of which may be infected.
虽然很多人将狂犬病与蝙蝠或浣熊联系在一起,但人类患狂犬病通常与狗有关 。与美国不同的是,其它很多国家有大量的流浪狗存在,格拉特医生说道,有些或许受到了狂犬感染 。
Ferrets, skunks, foxes, coyotes, and even woodchucks are also on the list of animals that can spread rabies. "People are often concerned about rats and mice, but they never have rabies," Dr. Glatt says, and neither do squirrels.
雪貂,臭鼬,狐狸,土狼,甚至土拨鼠都可能传播狂犬病 。"人们经常担心老鼠,但它们从未患过狂犬病,"格拉特医生说道,松鼠也是一样的道理 。
Rabies symptoms
It's not always as obvious as a foaming mouth that an animal has rabies. Sometimes an animal may simply not be acting like itself, Dr. Glatt says. That's why you should seek medical attention after any bite from an animal if you aren't sure about that animal's rabies or vaccination status.
如果动物患有狂犬病,它们通常不会口吐白沫 。有时,它们可能表现得不像它们自己,格拉特医生说道 。所以动物咬了你之后,如果你不确定它是否患有狂犬病或不清楚它是否打了疫苗,那就尽快寻求医疗帮助 。