日期:2018-08-16 10:42



The Ring Toss Gone Wrong
"Everything was a perfect fit on our wedding day-except my husband's ring. For the worse part of our first year of marriage, he would entertain me with ring tossing performances-'Watch how far I can fling my ring! It just flies right off!' Despite my urges to have it resized, and his insistence his finger would 'fill it out' in time, the ring remained in a precarious place, until an ill-fated beach trip, mere weeks before our two-year anniversary, when he decided he wanted just one more toss of the pigskin with a friend down by the water."
I could see the moment it happened-him looking around the sand immediately following a throw. The ring was gone and I just about lost it. Some would say, 'Oh, it's just a ring. Those go missing all the time!'.




Well, he finally got the message loud and clear. After a night of me fuming (with my wedding ring removed), he returned to the beach with a professional metal detectorist. Within minutes, this man found the ring (which had sunk deep into the sand instead of being swept away by the ocean). All was not forgiven, however, until my husband vowed to get the ring resized once and for all. As an apology meal, he made me a plate of onion rings.
The 'Where the Hell Have You Been?' Beef
One night when I was four months pregnant, my husband came home hours later than I was expecting him, totally drunk and with a dead phone. (Not the first time that had happened.) Needless to say, I was furious and thus ensued a giant fight wherein I put forth the opinion that I couldn't count on him to be reliable, and he put forth the (slurred) opinion that I was trying to micromanage his every move. The evening ended with me circling the neighborhood in tears. Fortunately, we were able to have a more measured conversation the next day, and about two weeks later, he decided to stop drinking entirely, which he did for almost three years.


