Model Mara Martin turned heads at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit fashion show last Sunday.
The 30-year-old hit the runway in a bikini while breastfeeding her 5-month-old daughter, Aria.
Martin, who's from Monroe, Michigan, was one of the 16 finalists -- which include a former maid and a security guard -- chosen by the magazine's open casting call at Miami Swim Week.
来自密歇根州门罗市的马丁是此次入围决赛的16人当中的一位。其他入选者还包括由《体育画报》的Miami Swim Week公开挑选出的一名前女佣和一名保安。
Before the show, Martin uploaded an Instagram with her adorable smiling tot.
Post-catwalk, fans flooded Martin's Instagram with supportive comments.
"This is so powerful," writes Haley Kalil, who won this year's SI Swimsuit Model search and also walked in the fashion show.
Some social media users were less into it, commenting that it seemed "over-glorifying" of breastfeeding and "unnecessary." But in general, the response has been positive.
"That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen," writes one Instagram user.