There's no denying that pregnancy is a miracle, but despite what Instagram and Beyoncé may lead us to believe, it's not always easy. When you have stretch marks and spider veins and are carrying around an extra 25 to 35 pounds, it's pretty hard to feel comfortable, let alone good about yourself.
毫无疑问,怀孕是一个充满奇迹的过程,尽管Ins和碧昂斯试图让我们相信怀孕轻而易举,但事实却并非总是如此 。当你长了妊娠纹、蜘蛛斑,胖了25至35磅时,你会感到不舒服,更别提自我感觉良好了 。
And when you add hot and sticky temperatures, small and revealing clothing, activities that require actual energy, and flip-flops that need to fit your swollen feet, things go downhill real quick. If you're expecting during the Summer, you can also expect a whole lot of aggravation. From sweat stains to humid nights, here are just a few of the reasons there's no worse time to be with child than the summertime.
而夏天天气很热,感觉黏呼呼的、衣服穿的又少又透、一切活动都需要释放能量、你臃肿的脚需要挤上人字拖,不如意之事时有发生 。如果你想在夏季怀孕,那你就得准备好面对一堆不好的事情 。从汗渍到潮湿的夜晚,这些理由让你明白夏天怀孕真的非常不合适!
Dressing For Summer Weddings Is . . . Not Fun
Fancy maternity gowns may not seem like a worthwhile investment, but you'll find that last Summer's cocktail dresses don't quite fit like they used to.
花哨的孕妇装似乎并不值得投资,但你会发现你再也穿不上去年夏天的鸡尾酒会礼服了 。
You Can't Indulge in Summer Cocktails
Whether it's weddings, rooftop hangouts, happy hour meet-ups, or a fun day at the beach, you can kiss those delicious Summer drinks goodbye. All events and gatherings will be dry affairs for you.
无论是婚礼、屋顶聚会、欢乐的聚会时光,还是在海滩上度过愉快的一天,你都可以和这些美味的夏日饮料说再见了 。所有的活动和聚会都不适宜饮酒 。
Your Bra Retains More Water Than Your Ankles
As if your newly inflated fun bags aren't heavy enough, your bra will also have to shoulder the weight of a whole bunch of boob sweat.
就好像刚肿的脚踝还不够重似的,你的内衣也会有很多水,都是胸部分泌的汗液 。
Undisturbed Sleep Is a Distant Memory
As if getting a good night's sleep in the summertime wasn't difficult enough, try keeping cool and comfy with a pregnant belly. This is what the Mission Impossible franchise should really be about.
就好像夏天睡个好觉并不困难似的,你还得保持怀孕的大肚腩凉爽、舒适 。这才是不可能完成的任务 。
Your Feet Will Swell to a Size Greater Than Any Shoes Can Handle
Heat and water retention are a dangerous combination, and your body will swell to comic proportions (made worse by the fact that the Summer calls for lots of open-toed shoes that leave nothing to the imagination).
热气和水分滞留是非常危险的组合,你的身体会肿胀,像漫画里画的那样(由于夏天需要穿露脚趾的鞋子,大家都能看到你的脚,情况就更糟了) 。