Instead of overhauling your entire diet in an attempt to slim down, simply eat half a grapefruit before each meal. This tactic can help whittle your middle-by up to an inch-in just six-weeks according to a study published in the journal Metabolism. The scientists attribute the powerful effects to the grapefruit's fat-zapping phytochemicals. But that's not all!
想要瘦下来?无需彻底改变你的饮食习惯,只要每餐前吃半个葡萄柚就行了 。《新陈代谢》(Metabolism)期刊发表的一篇文章表明:这个策略可以在短短的六个星期内减掉一英寸的腰部赘肉 。科学家将此归功于葡萄柚含有的分解脂肪的植物化学物质 。但不仅如此!
Another study conducted by Japanese researchers found that the scent of grapefruit can "turn on" calorie-burning brown fat cells, enhancing the breakdown of fat while reducing appetite. Sounds like a great reason to add it to your spring cleaning diet to us. The fruit can interact negatively with certain medications, though, so check in with your doctor before indulging in the citrus appetizer.
日本研究员开展的另一项研究发现:葡萄柚的味道可以"刺激"燃烧热量的棕色脂肪细胞、加快脂肪的分解,同时抑制食欲 。这好像是个很好的理由,说服你在春季排毒饮食中加入葡萄柚 。这一水果会与某些药物产生消极的相互作用,所以在沉迷于葡萄柚这道开胃菜之前,先咨询一下医生 。
Hibiscus Tea
If you've been keeping warm all winter by sipping on soup, your pants may be feeling tight. Lighten up! You likely haven't packed on the pounds if you generally stick to a healthy diet; you're just bloated from all the salty broths. When you consume a lot of sodium the body retains fluids, resulting in a paunchy belly.
如果你整个冬天都在喝汤取暖,那你有没有发现以前的裤子穿不上了?放松点!如果整体而言你都在坚持健康的饮食习惯,那你可能还没有增重;你只是因为喝了咸肉汤而有点腹胀罢了 。摄入大量的钠元素时,身体会留住液体,从而导致肚子变大 。
Luckily, there's a simple solution: Sip some hibiscus tea, at the key times. Doing so will help your pooch deflate. The flavonoids in the hibiscus plant counteract bloating by influencing how aldosterone, the hormone that regulates water and electrolytes balance, affects the body.
幸运的是,有一个简单的解决方法:关键时刻喝一些洛神花茶 。这样做有助于你不再腹胀 。洛神花茶中的黄酮类化合物能通过影响醛固酮对身体的影响来缓解腹胀,醛固酮是一种调节水分和电解质平衡的激素 。
White Tea
Any tea will help soothe your nerves, but white tea, part of The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse can actually help belly fat. A study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism showed that white tea can simultaneously boost lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells). The tea's combination of caffeine and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) seems to set fat cells up for defeat.
任何一种茶都能帮助舒缓神经,而白茶(The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse的一部分)实则有益小腹平坦 。发表在《营养与代谢》(Nutrition and Metabolism)期刊的一项研究表明:白茶在促进脂肪分解的同时,还能阻止脂肪的形成 。白茶中的咖啡因和表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)似乎能击败脂肪细胞 。
Lemon Water
Citrus fruits are rich in the antioxidant de-limonene, a powerful compound found in the peel that stimulates liver enzymes to help flush toxins from the body and gives bowels a kick, according to the World Health Organization.
世界卫生组织表示,柑橘类水果富含抗氧化剂d-柠檬烯,果皮含有这种强效化合物,能刺激肝酶、帮助排出体内毒素、刺激肠道 。