Literally surgically remove my hamstring and give it to Chris Paul.
Can someone keep me updated on Paul's Injury. As much As I like our team. We can't beat GSW with CP3. so hopefully he'll be back soon.
I feel you homey, I'm excited but scared as fuck. Finally one win away from a finals appearance but we gotta get that win against the toughest team in the modern era.
He looks like he knows he won't play for the rest of the series... here's to hoping it's just a scare and he can be healthy enough for the rest of the post season!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
He was a Laker for like 20 minutes dude. Show some respect.
I've hated and mocked CP3 most of my career and thought he was overrated by blog boi and analytics nerds. But Jesus I can't slander that dude anymore, he's a boss out there.
I've always said I've hated the Rockets, but this series is changing that! I'd never thought I'd even slightly hope the Rockets would win a game, let alone fully scream and cheer for them!
This is the most hyped I've been thru the playoffs this shit is incredible I can't wait to see Harden and CP3 get them rings.
Shoutout to the Point God!
Harden is the best player on the team and MVP but CP3 is the leader, heart, and soul.
Chris Paul is a playoff choker... as in choking the Warriors out of the playoffs!
Literally balled out and saved this team. My god.
This was a defining game in his career if they can win this series. What an amazing game by the point god.
It's honestly one of the dumbest narratives in the league the past decade-ish.
The fact that Kobe wanted him as a teammate speaks volume of how good he is, and every team right now wouldnt hurt getting CP3.
Mike D'Antoni raves about CP3: "What he did was remarkable... His heart, his will to win. If you can't root for him, then I think you've got some problems"
Gerald Green on Chris Paul: "He's laying it out on the line. He's giving everything he's got. Honestly, I don't see CP not playing next game. He's a warrior."