If you've been eating right and working out regularly, you'd expect to drop pounds, not gain them. But that's exactly what happened to one social media user-and her story is a good example of why you should never link your self-esteem to what the scale says.
如果你一直饮食健康,定期锻炼,那预期情况是:体重减轻,而非增加 。但一位社交媒体用户却出现了相反状况--而她的故事是个很好的例子:为什么你不该将你的自尊和体重秤上的数字相联系 。
In an Instagram post shared on Tuesday, user @bananas.gets.fit provided a side-by-side photo showing what she looked like before starting fitness influencer Anna Victoria's Fit Body Guide method, and then how she looked after following the plan.
@bananas.gets.fit用户于周二分享的Ins状态中,发布了一张并排照片,对比自己采用健身达人安娜·维多利亚的健身指导方法之前和之后的样子 。
"I've been seeing a lot of posts talking about how you guys are down and out about what the scale says," she wrote. "So after some digging I found the photo on the left, that's me at the very beginning of my fitness journey a little over 2 years ago. I was super depressed and coping by eating my emotions."
"我看到很多帖子都说自己变瘦、变轻了,"她写道 。"所以一段时间锻炼之后,我发现左边的照片(2年多前我刚开始健身时拍的),我当时很沮丧,只能通过吃缓解情绪 。"
At the start of the program, @bananas.gets.fit said she weighed 150 pounds-but now weighs in at 175 pounds. The weight gain isn't a bad thing, she continued.
健身一开始的时候,用户@bananas.gets.fit说她体重150磅--但现在却变成175磅了 。她继续道,体重增加并不是一件坏事 。
"Fast forward to 2 years of @annavictoria programs and I'm 25 pounds heavier and fitter," she wrote. "The purpose of this post is to show you what the scale says does not matter, take your measurements, take progress photos and stay consistent. Is my body perfect, absolutely not (I love me some chips and salsa and Starbucks) but I love it and in the end that's what matters."
"实施2年的@annavictoria锻炼计划后,我现在增重25磅、也更健康了,"她写道 。"此次发帖的目的就是想告诉你们,体重秤上的数字并不重要,测量尺寸、拍一些健身过程中的照片、保持下去 。我的身材完美吗?肯定不(我喜欢薯片、洋葱辣调味汁和星巴克),但我爱我的身体,到最后这才是最重要的 。"
Program creator Victoria was thrilled to see the before and after, and she reposted it on her page with the caption, "READ THIS THEN THROW YOUR SCALE AWAY?? @bananas.gets.fit went from a size 14 to a size 6, but the scale didn't reflect that in the way you'd think...why? Because the scale is a LIAR."
该健身计划创作者维多利亚看到前后对比照之后很兴奋,她在自己的主页中转了这篇帖子,标题写道,"读完这个,扔掉你的体重秤吧!!@bananas.gets.fit的尺寸从14变成了6,但体重秤却无法反映这一点……为什么?因为体重秤就是个说谎精 。"
Victoria, who has already said that she doesn't weigh herself, is certainly onto something. The number on the scale is helpful, but it doesn't tell the whole story. For starters, it doesn't reflect your body fat percentage, which is more indicative of your overall health.
维多利亚已经说过她自己不会称体重,肯定是有自己的打算的 。称上的数字的确有帮助,但它并不能说明整体情况 。对于初始者而言,它不能反映你的体脂比例,而这才是更能反映整体健康状况的指标 。