Diabetes is rated the "fastest growing health crisis of our time", with the number of people in the UK diagnosed doubling in 20 years. Nearly 3.7million people in the UK were known to have the condition in figures released in February 2018, with a further million thought to be unaware they are diabetic.
糖尿病被评为"我们这个时代发展速度最快的健康危机" 。20年内,英国被诊断出患有糖尿病的人数翻了一番 。2018年2月发布的数据中,近370万英国人患有糖尿病,另有100万人被认为对自己的症状一无所知 。
Type 2 is the fast-rising form of the disease, with a strong link to obesity. Untreated it can lead to amputations, blindness, kidney illness, stroke and heart disease - putting a huge burden on the NHS.
2型糖尿病是一种快速发展的糖尿病,与肥胖存在密切关系 。如不加以治疗,可能会导致截肢、失明、肾脏疾病、中风和心脏病--给英国国民健康体系带来巨大负担 。
But it can be reversed with changes to a healthier lifestyle. Here we explain the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, the symptoms and warning signs to look out for, and the treatments that can make a difference...
但拥有更健康的生活方式则可使情况发生逆转 。我们将在本文解释1型和2型糖尿病的区别、需要注意的症状和警告迹象、以及带来改变的治疗方法……
What is diabetes?
Diabetes occurs when the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood becomes higher than normal. This happens when the body can't make the hormone insulin, or stops responding to it.
当血液中的糖(葡萄糖)水平高于正常水平时就会导致糖尿病 。当身体不能产生激素胰岛素或停止对其响应时,就会发生这种情况 。
How to test for diabetes?
The standard test is first for glucose in urine. If it is found, a special blood test - glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) - is used to check the level of sugar in your blood. It shows the average level over two to three months, can be done at any time of day and does not need any special preparation, like fasting.
标准流程是首先测试尿液中的葡萄糖 。如果发现有葡萄糖,则使用特殊的血液检测--糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)--来检查血液中的糖含量 。两到三个月会显示平均水平,这一检测可在任何时间段进行,不需要做任何特殊准备,例如禁食 。
A 2014 study by the University of Manchester and King's College London claimed Type 2 diabetes could be diagnosed far earlier by examining proteins in the blood - with hopes the new blood test could be developed in five years.
曼彻斯特大学和伦敦国王学院的一项2014年的研究声称,通过检查血液中的蛋白质可以早一点儿诊断2型糖尿病--有望5年内发展新的血液检测 。
Signs and symptoms to look out for. Watch out for the four Ts:
Toilet: Going to the toilet a lot, or a previously dry child wetting the bed.
厕所:经常上厕所,或者以前不尿床的人会尿床 。
Thirsty: Being really thirsty and not being able to quench your thirst.
口渴:总是口渴且无法解渴 。
Tired: Feeling more tired than usual.
疲惫:比平常更累 。
Thinner: Unexpected weight loss or looking thinner than usual
更瘦:意想不到的体重变轻或看起来比平常瘦 。