Smoking cigarettes is bad for you. But if you're going to smoke anyway, medical researchers recommend that you have some red wine beforehand.
According to a newly published study, adequate drinking of red wine can help stave off some of the immediate damage that smoking does to your vascular system.
In the study, researchers looked at the biochemical effects of smoking on 20 healthy nonsmokers.
The researchers found that wine drinkers didn't suffer the changes in their vascular systems that generally are caused by smoking, such as inflammation and cell damage.
That may be because red wine stimulates the formation of chemicals in the bloodstream that improve cellular function in coronary arteries.
Additionally, drinking wine before smoking also reduced harm done to the telomeres, the protective caps on the cells' chromosomes.
The researchers found that in subjects who simply smoked without drinking any wine, the telomeres' protective activity decreased by 56 percent. But the wine drinkers, in contrast, only saw a 20 percent decrease.
University of Saarland researcher Dr. Viktoria Schwartz, the study's lead investigator, said in a press release that the study "adds to the present evidence that the proinflammatory effects in nonsmokers with 'occasional lifestyle smoking' could be prevented by red wine consumption."
While the study is good news of sorts for healthy people who smoke once in a while, it's unclear whether red wine provides similar protection to the elderly, the ill, or people who are frequent smokers.