Relationships don't always fail on the account of someone outside of your relationship. As much as most people would like to blame their failed relationships on their weak-willed partner, that is not always the case. You could possibly be a cause for your relationship problems.
有时候,你们的感情并不是因为第三者才破裂的 。虽然很多人都喜欢将自己破裂的恋情归咎于他们意志薄弱的另一半,但情况并非总是如此 。你也可能是你们恋情出现问题的原因 。
1. You don't trust your partner.
1. 你不信任你的另一半 。
I say it all the time, "without trust there's nothing." I don't think there is anything else I believe more when it comes to relationships. If you're always questioning your partner about where they're going and who they're with, it could be ruining your relationship.
我总是说,"信任是一切的基础 。"在感情这件事上,我觉得最重要的就是信任 。如果你总是质疑另一半,追问他们去哪儿、和谁呆在一起,那这可能会破坏你们的感情 。
2. You're overbearing.
2. 你太霸道了 。
They're your partner-not your child. There is a way to be supportive and caring towards your partner without being their mama. It's not just women, either. Men have a tendency to be overprotective of their partner as well. Both of you need your personal space!
他们是你的另一半--不是你的孩子 。你应该支持、关心他们,但不是以妈妈的方式 。这话不止是说给女性朋友听的 。男人也倾向于过度保护他们的另一半 。你们都需要一点私人空间!
3. You compare your partner to your ex.
3. 你将现任与前任作比较 。
This is completely unfair and extremely damaging to any relationship. Your ex is your ex for a reason. Don't insult your partner by constantly comparing them to someone you are no longer with. If you want them to be your ex, you're not ready for a new relationship.
这完全不公,而且也十分有损你的恋情 。前任为什么是前任?你心里难道没点数吗?不要总是把现任和前任做对比,这是一种侮辱 。如果你想让现任成为前任,那你根本不适合这段新感情 。
4. You compare your relationship to other people's relationships.
4. 你将自己的感情与他人的感情作对比 。
Stay off Instagram. Nothing irks me more than hearing someone judging their relationship based on a social media post of someone else. Again, this is unfair and damaging to any relationship because most of the things you see on social media aren't what they appear to be anyway. False hope to say the least!
远离Instagram 。没有什么比根据别人的社交媒体发文/图而评判自己的恋情好不好更让我感到厌恶的事情了 。我再说一次,这是不公平的,也有损你们的感情,因为社交媒体上的大部分事情都没有看上去的那般美好 。至少可以说,都是虚假的希望 。
5. You struggle with personal insecurities.
5. 你的内心在与不安全感作斗争 。
When you're insecure, your judgment is clouded and you are unable to fully give of yourself because you're constantly searching for approval and/or proof of wrongdoing. Nevertheless, there are ways to work through your insecurities. Also, if you have a supportive partner, they will reassure you. Accept what they're saying to you. Don't reject their reassurance.
当你觉得没有安全感的时候,你的判断是混乱的,你没有办法完全付出自我,因为你总是为不正当行为寻找认可和/或证明 。此外,如果你的另一半十分支持你,他们打消你的疑虑 。接受他们对你说的话,不要拒绝他们的保证 。
6. You jump to conclusions.
6. 你会草率的下结论 。
Naturally, because you don't express your emotions properly, you find yourself jumping to conclusions and assuming things.
当然,因为你没有正确表达自己的情绪,所以你就会草率下结论、假设一些事情 。