Just a few days before Valentine's Day, I found myself sadly single. Rather than curl up and cry over my loneliness, I realized that there were quite a few of my female friends in the same situation. I decided to celebrate the day and invited my girlfriends over for a chocolate kisses party with martinis and finger foods. All my female friends dressed up, came over and had the best time.
还有几天就是情人节了,但我却发现自己还是个可悲的单身狗 。我没有蜷缩成一团,为自己的孤独而哭泣,因为我发现我的很多女性朋友也和我一样,还是单身 。我决定庆祝情人节,邀请我的女性朋友参加巧克力之吻派对、喝点马提尼、吃点手指食物 。我的女性朋友们精心打扮了一番、我们一起度过最美好的时光 。
Too often we neglect our girlfriends whenever a guy gets into the picture. But our girlfriends are the ones who are always there when things don't work out. Instead of forgetting who has really loved you through the good times and the bad, make the most of these Valentine's Day ideas as a single woman, and spend it with your girl squad.
当男性闯入我们的生活时,我们总会忽略自己的闺蜜 。但不如意时,只有闺蜜才会一直在那儿陪着我们 。与其忘了那些真正爱你、陪你共患难的人,倒不如充分利用这些情人节主意 。单身女人,和你的闺蜜团约起来吧!
Don't miss making the most of the opportunity. You've only got one life to live, so why not celebrate our lady friendships and enjoy your own company? Ditch the vision of being home sad and lonely on Valentine's Day. Hang out with your best friends for life and make memories that will last a lifetime.
不要错过,充分利用这次机会 。你只有一生可活,所以为什么不和你的闺蜜们一起庆祝、享受自己的陪伴呢?不要再想着情人节一个人呆在家、独品悲戚寂寞了 。与你的好朋友一起出门,留下一生难忘的回忆 。
It's good to be single. There are lots of adventurous, creative and fun things that a girl squad can do that will make all your coupled friends a little jealous and wishing they could be footloose and fancy-free too.
单身蛮好的 。闺蜜团可以做很多既冒险又有创意的趣事,或许你那些有对象的朋友还会嫉妒你们,希望他们也可以自由自在、无牵无挂呢 。
1. Fondue night
1. 干酪火锅之夜
A fondue night with your girl squad is a unique way to celebrate the day. While waiting for your bite-sized pieces to be ready to eat, you can dig on the drama that you've not had a chance to share. It's so much easier than texting.
和姐妹团共度干酪火锅之夜是庆祝情人节的独特方式 。等待开动美食的同时,你们还可以挖掘之前没有机会分享的戏剧 。这可比发短信简单多了 。
2. Gift exchange
2. 交换礼物
Nothing says "I love my girl squad" like a "Bestie Valentine's Day" gift exchange. Treat your girls to something they would never buy for themselves like bold nail polish, or something simple like a cool pair of comfy socks.
没有什么比在闺蜜情人节之际交换礼物更能表达"我爱我的姐妹团"了 。给闺蜜们买一些她们自己不会买的礼物,比如颜色大胆的指甲油,或者买一些简单的礼物,比如一双很舒服的袜子 。
3. Dress-up night
3. 装扮之夜
Have a superhero dress-up night, a late night Netflix binge with popcorn and lots of butter!
4. Group manicures
4. 一起做美甲
If only one of your girlfriends are single, just the two of you will hang out. Why not take advantage of couple massage package deals? Go all out and enjoy a mani-pedi.
如果闺蜜团中只有一个姐妹单身,那就你俩出去玩好了 。为什么不使用情侣按摩套餐呢?尽情享受,做一次美甲吧!