神迹? 印尼农夫家中一母牛竟产下海龟!
日期:2018-02-26 18:07


A farmer was given the shock of his life after a pregnant cow delivered a calf and a turtle, he claims.
Rimin Nggadu, the owner of the cow, celebrated after it gave birth to a strong and healthy calf.
But Rimin, from the Gorontalo Province of Indonesia was shell shocked by what came next.
Mr Ngaddu also claims that his cow gave birth to a completely different animal out of the blue.

神迹? 印尼农夫家中一母牛竟产下海龟!

He said: "A few minutes after the calf came out, I saw something stuck to the body of that calf. When I looked closer, it turned out to be a small turtle."
Even though his story does seem farfetched, this has not stopped people from visiting the baby in the West Limboto district.
Residents have turned out in their droves to visit the immaculate conception in Hutabohu village. And even local officials have praised the birth as an "act of God".
West Limboto district head Hasni Lamanasa said: "This is proof of God's greatness. Anything that happens is his will."
