SNOWFLAKE' is one of 1,000 words to be added to the latest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.
According to the latest edition of the OED, 'snowflake' is “an insult to describe someone who is "overly sensitive or as feeling entitled to special treatment or consideration".
The words are just a few of 1,000 new words that have made it into the new edition of the bible of the English language.
The OED also gives the approval to ‘madnsplain’ – ladies you’d better ask a man for a patronising explanation of that word – and BFN – standing for ‘big fat negative’.
牛津词典还收录了“男人说教”-女士们你们最好问下男士这个词语的高级释义-还有BFN-“big fat negative”(没有怀孕)的缩写。
To make it into the revered bible of the English language the OED requires several independent examples of a word being used and evidence that it has been in use “for a reasonable amount of time”.
Before the latest edition, researchers consulted the online parenting website Mumsnet in an attempt to find the latest new words coming into widespread use.
Other words and initialisms include: TTC (trying to conceive) BFN (big fat negative) or a BFP (big fat positive), while further down the line parents may try CIO (cry it out) as a means of baby sleep training.
OED Senior Editor Fi Mooring said: “These words reflect personal experiences but many of them also resonate much more widely, even with people who are not parents.
牛津词典的资深编辑Fi Mooring说:“这些新词都反映了个人经历,但是他们的使用人群却很广泛,甚至那些不是为人父母的人都在用。”
“The distinctive lexicon of parenting maps a whole range of human experience, from immense joy to immeasurable sorrow and, considering its relevance to so much of the population it seemed an underrepresented category of vocabulary in the Dictionary.”
10 of the new words in the OED
Mansplain – A man explaining something needlessly, overbearingly, or condescendingly, especially to a woman, in a manner thought to reveal a patronisingor chauvinistic attitude.
Me time – when an individual devotes time to doing what they want in order to relax
Ransomware – Malicious software that can be used to carry out cyber attacks
Hangry - when someone is bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger
Snowflake - used as an insult to describe someone who is overly sensitive or as feeling entitled to special treatment or consideration
Tomoz – an abbreviated form of tomorrow
BFN – big fat negative
BFP – big fat positive
TTC – trying to conceive
CIO – cry it out, referring to sleep training for a baby