They had not broken the machine; they had beaten the system.
The basic principle of using an Enigma machine was that its rotors and rings and plugboard would be set up in some particular way,
and then the message would be encrypted, the rotors automatically stepping round as this was done.
But for this to be of any use in a practical communication system, the receiver of the message also had to know the initial state of the machine.
It was the fundamental problem of any cipher system.
The machine was not enough; there had to be also an agreed, fixed, 'definite method' of using it.
According to the actual method employed by the Germans, the initial state of the machine was partly decided at the time of use by the cipher clerk.
Inevitably, therefore, it made use of indicators, and it was through the indicator system that the Poles enjoyed their success.
To be explicit, the order of the three rotors was laid down in written instructions, and so was the plugboard and ring-setting.
The task of the cipher clerk was to choose the remaining element, the initial settings for the three rotors.