1. Radiating a cold shoulder
1. 表现出一副爱理不理的样子
Simply put: radiating a cold shoulder toward your SO does nothing but waste time and energy and create unnecessary frustration. Although relationships would be much easier if we were all mind readers, unfortunately that's not the case. Therefore, it is critical in any partnership to regularly voice concerns. By speaking up instead of staying silent or walking away, you and your partner will have a deeper understanding of each other's needs and will essentially prevent built-up anger and/or resentment.
简单而言,对另一半爱理不理只会浪费时间和精力、造成不必要的失意 。如果我们能读懂人心,那谈恋爱就会容易很多,但不幸的是,我们都不会读心术 。因此,在任何一段恋情中,定期表达自己的关切至关重要 。大声说出自己的感受,不要冷战或者走开,这样你和你的另一半就能更深入的了解彼此的需求,最终可以预防内心的愤怒和/或憎恨 。
2. Threatening the "B" word
2. 威胁分手
When tensions flare and the claws of emotions come out, many of us have a tendency to say things we don't really mean. But threatening to break up during a heated argument will only do harm to your relationship. Once these words have been said, guards will immediately go back up and the trust you two share will inevitably start to crack. So whether or not you have to grit your teeth and count to five (or 10 . . . or 100), hold your tongue, because without a firm foundation of trust, no relationship will ever withstand the test of time.
局势剑拔弩张、不满情绪爆发之际,很多人往往说出一些并非本意的话语 。但在争吵激烈之际,拿分手威胁对方只会损害你们的感情 。一旦说出分手,你们就会立刻警觉,彼此间的信任也势必破裂 。所以无论如何你都得咬紧牙关,数五声(或十声、一百声),克制自己,因为彼此不信任的感情经不起时间的考验 。
3. Comparing your relationship with someone else's
3. 将自己的感情与他人作比较
There's no doubt Theodore Roosevelt was onto something when he stated, "Comparison is the thief of joy." Whether you're comparing for good or evil, using another relationship as a measuring stick for your own is a dangerous habit and should be avoided at all costs. Remember: looks can be deceiving.
毫无疑问,当西奥多·罗斯福说这句话的时候,他肯定有自己的想法,"攀比是偷走快乐的贼 。"不管你是好心还是恶意,用另一段感情与自己的感情作对比都是一个危险的习惯,应不惜一切代价避免这一陋习 。记住:外表可能会欺骗你 。
4. Taking your SO for granted
4. 理所当然的享受另一半的好
We all know the saying, "You don't know what you have until it's gone." Yet, we continue to take for granted the very people that deserve our utmost gratitude. Why? Well, we forget to stop and think what life would be like if we did lose those loved ones. And when we do contemplate this scenario, it's usually a little too late.
我们都知道这句话,'失去了才知道曾经拥有的 。'但我们仍继续理所当然的享受另一半的好,却忘了最该感激的人也是她/他 。为什么?因为我们忘记停下来思考,思考如果失去所爱之人,我们的生活会变成什么样子 。当我们真的在沉思这一问题时,往往都已为时晚矣 。
My advice? Express love and express it often. Don't wait for Thanksgiving or the holiday season to give thanks. Show appreciation on a daily basis. Not only will this make you and your SO happier individuals, but it will strengthen your relationship, too.
我的建议?表达你的爱意,而且要时不时的表达 。不要等到感恩节或是各种节日才对所爱之人表示感谢 。每天都表示出对他/她的欣赏 。这样做不仅能让你和另一半更开心,而且还能巩固你们的感情 。