The latest New Year's trend has nothing to do with alcohol-literally. For millions of people, January 1 marks the first day of not just a new year, but a "dry" January, or month-long break with booze. Started by the UK's Alcohol Concern organization in 2013, the movement's main goal is to help people "reset their relationship with alcohol." But what happens to your body when you become a temporary teetotaler?
最近的新年趋势和酒一点关系都没有--真的没有 。对成千上万的人来说,一月一号不仅是新年的第一天,而且还是'一月戒酒'的第一天 。2013年,英国酒精关注组织发起这项运动,主要目的就是帮助人们'重新建立与酒精的关系 。'但只是临时禁酒,你的身体会发生什么变化呢?
"Nothing bad," says Jamile Wakim-Fleming, MD, a hepatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. "[Abstaining temporarily] is only going to be beneficial." (One caveat: heavy drinkers should only quit with medical assistance, since they can experience a life-threatening form of withdrawal.)
"不会发生不好的事情,"克利夫兰诊所的肝病专家Jamile Wakim-Fleming医学博士说道 。"暂时禁酒只会给你带来益处 。"(一个警告:严重酗酒者应该在医疗支持下戒酒,因为这类人戒酒的时候或威胁到生命 。)
Thirty-one days of sobriety might even help you cut back long-term: A 2016 study published in Health Psychology found that six months after the end of Dry January, people who had participated in the movement (even those who didn't abstain for the entire month) reported having fewer drinks per day, drinking fewer days a week, and getting drunk less often.
31天的清醒或能帮助你长期戒酒:2016年一项发布在《健康心理学》期刊上的研究发现:"一月戒酒"的六个月后,参与这项活动的人们(甚至包括那些没有坚持一个月滴酒不沾的人)称他们每天的饮酒量减少了、每周喝酒的天数更少了、喝醉的情况也变少了 。
In general less booze is a good thing: "The effects of alcohol are cumulative," says Dr. Wakim-Fleming (who was not involved in the study). "If people drink one glass a day starting in their teens, they may be fine after 10 or 20 years-but after 40 or 50 years, they might start to experience liver problems."
总之,少喝酒是件好事:"酒精的影响是累积性的,"Wakim-Fleming博士说(她没有参与到这项研究) 。"如果人们从青少年时代就开始每天喝一杯酒,那么十几二十年后,他们也许什么事都没有--但四五十年过后,他们可能会有肝脏问题 。"
And while it's true that moderate drinking (that's one drink a day for women, two for men) might improve your heart health, research suggests not everyone may experience these benefits. What's more, our relationship with alcohol may not be as healthy as we'd like to think. Case in point: According to government statistics from 2015, about 1 in 4 Americans over 18 said that they had binged at least once in the past month.
虽然适量饮酒(女性每天一杯,男性每天两杯)或能改善心脏健康,但研究表明并非每个人都能获得这些好处 。此外,我们与酒精的关系或许并没有我们以为的那么健康 。举个例子:2015年政府统计数据表示,18岁以上的美国人中,约四分之一的人说他们过去一个月至少狂欢过一次 。
Inspired to give Dry January a go? Here's what you can expect during your month off the sauce.
You may lose weight
It's no secret that alcohol is loaded with calories. At 7 calories per gram, a standard glass of wine (5 ounces) can contain about 130 calories, and a serving of beer (12 ounces) nearly 330 calories.
酒精含卡路里并不是什么秘密 。每克含7卡,一杯标准的葡萄酒(5盎司)含130卡,一杯啤酒(12盎司)约含330卡 。