Now here's some good news for parents and schoolchildren alike - research shows bullying won't necessarily scar your child for life. Children are usually more resilient than we think and most bounce back after being bullied.
家长和学生们注意,好消息来了--研究表明:霸凌不一定影响孩子的一生 。孩子通常比我们想象的更抗压,而且大多数孩子都会在被欺凌之后快速恢复 。
It seems many parents worry more about their children being bullied than they do about them getting pregnant. The new study says while being bullied at 11 may cause children to be depressed, anxious and hyperactive, these disturbances don't persist to the age of 16.
看来相比怀孕,很多家长更担心自己的孩子被霸凌 。新研究表明,虽然11岁时被霸凌会导致孩子抑郁、焦虑和多动,但这些困扰只会持续到他们16岁 。
Researchers from University College London studied 11,108 twins born in England and Wales from 1994 to 1996.
伦敦大学学院的研究员对1994至1996年间在英格兰和威尔士出生的11108对双胞胎展开了研究 。
Twins were chosen to minimise the potential differences in genetics or home life impacting on the child's reaction to bullying. The youngsters taking part filled in assessments on their experience of bullying when they were 11, and again when they were 14 years old.
选择双胞胎是为了尽量减少遗传或家庭生活带来的潜在差异,因为这两个因素影响着儿童对霸凌的反应 。参与到研究中的儿童在11岁的时候填写了自己被霸凌一事的评估报告,14岁的时候又填写了一次 。
At 11 and 16 years old, their mental health was evaluated. This included an exploration of anxiety, depression, hyperactivity and impulsivity, conduct problems, inattention, and psychotic-like experiences, such as paranoid thoughts.
11岁和16岁的时候,研究人员评估了他们的心理健康 。这包括探索他们是否焦虑、抑郁、多动和冲动、制造问题、注意力不集中和精神病情况,比如像偏执狂那样去思考 。
Dr Judy Silberg from the Virginia Commonwealth University, who wasn't involved in the study, said: "Most ?children will get better." The research, however, also revealed that paranoid thoughts can continue into late teens as a result of bullying. So the results of the research are by no means cut and dried.
弗吉尼亚联邦大学的朱迪·希尔伯格博士没有参与到该项研究,她说道:"大多数的孩子都会慢慢变好 。"然而,研究还揭示,被霸凌后,孩子的偏执思维可能会一直持续到十八、九岁 。所以这一研究结果也并非已成定局 。
Other experts say not all youngsters who've been bullied reach later life unaffected. Dr Bonnie Leadbeater from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, who also didn't take part in the study, said: "The effects of bullying at age 11 on anxiety and depression at age 16 is what ?diminishes. And while this is good news it's not possible to interpret this as supporting a more general ?statement that all the effects of bullying will lessen over time."
其他专家表示,对有些孩童而言,霸凌给他们未来的生活带来了影响 。位于不列颠哥伦比亚的维多利亚大学的邦妮·莱德彼特博士也没有参与到这项研究,她说:"11岁时遭受霸凌对焦虑和抑郁的影响,会在16岁时有所减弱 。虽然这是好消息,但却不足以支持一个更为笼统的说法--霸凌带来的所有影响都会随着时间的推移而慢慢削弱 。"
"Bullying may be episodic or chronic (long-term), and the limited assessment of bullying may severely underestimate the effects of chronic bullying on mental health and behavioural problems."
"霸凌可能是偶发性的,也有可能是慢性的(长期的),有关霸凌的有限评估可能严重低估了长期霸凌对心理健康和行为问题的影响 。"
Study author Dr Gary Freed, from the University of Michigan's CS Mott Children's Hospital, said in order to deal with this sort of bullying, "simple effective strategies may include not providing personal identifying information on social media, chat platforms, or in gaming environments".
来自密歇根大学CS莫特儿童医院的研究作者盖里·弗里德说道,为了应对这类霸凌,"有效的策略可能包括:不在社交媒体、聊天平台或游戏环境下提供个人识别信息" 。