As Europeans look for stability in turbulent times, the continent’s best business schools deliver exactly that. The top 14 schools remain the same as last year, with only slight reshuffling, while London Business School is number one for the fourth year in a row.
LBS continues to benefit from its broad range of ranked courses, consistently performing well in the five main FT rankings that are used to compile the European Business School Ranking 2017, which measures the quality and range of postgraduate programmes. The table of 95 schools is based on their performances in the 2017 rankings for MBAs, Executive MBAs, Masters in Management and the two tables for executive education.
Insead’s MBA is top for a second year but the French school lost its first place on the EMBA table after its dual degree with China’s Tsinghua University was beaten by a joint programme run by schools including LBS.
欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)的MBA课程连续第二年排名榜首,但这所法国商学院没有保住EMBA的榜首位置,它与中国清华大学(Tsinghua University)合办的双学位课程,被LBS与其他商学院合办的一个课程击败。
The University of St Gallen in Switzerland retains its number one spot in the Masters in Management ranking. IMD, also in Switzerland, and Iese Business School in Spain keep their top positions in the executive education rankings for open-enrolment and custom programmes.
瑞士圣加仑大学(University of St Gallen)继续占据管理学硕士榜单首位。同样位于瑞士的洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)和西班牙的IESE商学院(IESE Business School)则保住了开放招生课程和定制课程两份榜单的榜首位置。
In joint 15th place in the European ranking are the UK’s Warwick Business School (up from 22nd last year), City University: Cass in London (up from 26th) and Germany’s Mannheim Business School (up from 19th).
在欧洲商学院排行榜上并列第15位的是,英国的华威商学院(Warwick Business School)(去年排名22位)、伦敦城市大学(City University)的卡斯商学院(Cass)(去年第26名)以及德国的曼海姆大学商学院(Mannheim Business School)(去年第19名)。
Mannheim is the first school in the history of the EMBA ranking to enter with only joint programmes. One of the school’s degrees is run in collaboration with Tongji University in China, the other with Essec, which has main campuses in France and Singapore. Both programmes rank among the best 25 in Europe.
曼海姆大学商学院是历史上第一所仅凭借合办课程登上EMBA榜单的学校。该校的一个学位课程是与中国同济大学(Tongji University)合办的,另一个是与在法国和新加坡设有主校区的巴黎高等经济商业学院(Essec)合办的。这两个课程在欧洲的排名均跻身于前25名之列。
The top three European degrees in the EMBA ranking are collaborations, two involving LBS and one Insead, which further underlines the rise of joint programmes.
Jens Wüstemann, president of Mannheim Business School, says that many of the best EMBAs are joint programmes, since there is a strong demand from participants for study in different countries.
曼海姆大学商学院院长延斯?维斯特曼(Jens Wüstemann)表示,许多最杰出的EMBA课程是合办的,因为学员们对于在不同国家学习有强劲需求。
“The type of people who do an EMBA want an international experience,” Prof Wüstemann says. “It is better to have several schools introduce you to business in the region that each knows best, than one school that exports you all over the world.”
Some students surveyed for the rankings seem to agree. A graduate of the EMBA-Global Asia, run by LBS with Columbia in New York and the University of Hong Kong and new to the ranking this year, said it was enlightening to get European, US and Asian perspectives. “The three-continent approach gives you a truly holistic view of business with the depth of global thinking,” she said.
一些受访学员似乎同意这种看法。LBS与纽约哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)和香港大学(University of Hong Kong)合办了EMBA-Global Asia课程,该课程是今年榜单上的新成员。一位毕业生表示,获得欧洲、美国和亚洲的视角具有启发意义。她说:“这种三大洲联合办学的做法,为你提供了一个真正全面的、拥有全球思维深度的商业视野。”
Alumni of European schools, who were surveyed three years after graduation, primarily go into finance and banking, consultancy or the industrial sector after their studies. But the stories differ for graduates who remained in their country of study and those who left to work elsewhere (see graphic). Of those who stayed, consultancy and transport/logistics are equally popular destinations, with IT and telecoms third. Out of those who left, most went into finance, with consulting and then IT and telecoms second and third.
The proportion of graduates who remained in their country of study three years after graduation varies. In Poland, 8 per cent of graduates moved abroad, while in Spain 81 per cent left. Job opportunities and demographics play a role. Most students at Polish schools are Polish. Of those who leave Spain the majority go to Latin America from where many come.
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management made the biggest jump this year. The school rose 20 places from 55 to 35 as it entered both the Masters in Management and open-enrolment executive education rankings for the first time. The ranking aggregates the performance of the schools in all rankings in which they appear.
法兰克福金融管理学院(Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)今年排名上升最大。这所学校的排名从第55位上升20位,至第35位,因为它第一次进入了管理学硕士和开放招生课程高管教育课程榜单。商学院排行榜汇集了所有上榜学校的表现。
Six new schools joined the ranking, from the UK, France, Italy, Belgium and Portugal. ISCTE Business School of Lisbon does best out of the newcomers, going straight to 80th place.
Top school: London Business School
2017 is LBS’s fourth year in a row at the top of the FT European ranking. It is in the European top five in four of the five FT rankings used to compile this composite ranking. Its joint EMBA with Columbia and the University of Hong Kong was second in October’s EMBA ranking on its first participation.
Top German school: Mannheim
Mannheim is the highest placed of six German schools. It rises four places to 15th place, its best yet. The school’s joint EMBA with Tongji University of China was ranked for the first time this year. Mannheim is unique in offering two ranked joint-EMBA programmes (the other with Essec Business School) but no solo programme.
Top Scandinavian: Stockholm
排名最高的北欧商学院:斯德哥尔摩经济学院(Stockholm School of Economics)
Stockholm School of Economics remains the top-ranked school in Scandinavia. SSE is 27th in Europe, just ahead of Aalto University, ranked 32nd. The schools have rarely been more than five places apart in the past 10 years. BI Norwegian Business School and NHH of Norway continue to narrow the gap, in 33rd and 35th places respectively.
斯德哥尔摩经济学院是北欧排名最高的商学院。它在欧洲排行榜上排名第27位,稍高于排名第32位的阿尔托大学(Aalto University)。在过去10年里,这两所商学院的排名很少相差5名以上。BI挪威商学院(BI Norwegian Business School)和挪威经济学院(NHH)继续缩小差距,分别排名第33位和第35位。
New entrant: ISCTE
ISCTE Business School of Portugal is this year’s highest new entrant at 80. The Lisbon school was ranked for the first time in the Masters in Management ranking, at 72nd in Europe. The school is near to two more internationally established business schools in Lisbon: Nova and Católica-Lisbon, ranked at 25th and 26th overall.
Top for female faculty: DCU
女性师资最多的商学院:DCU商学院(DCU Business School)
DCU Business School was the second Irish school, after UCD Smurfit, to feature in this ranking after it entered the Masters in Management ranking in 2016. The schools are both in Dublin. DCU has the most gender-balanced faculty. Almost half (49 per cent) are women and Professor Anne Sinnott is the executive dean.
DCU是继都柏林大学学院(UCD)迈克尔?斯墨菲特商业研究生院(Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business)之后上榜的第二个爱尔兰商学院,此前它在2016年进入管理学硕士榜单。两所学校都在都柏林。DCU的师资性别比例最为平衡,几乎一半(49%)是女性,而安妮?辛诺特(Anne Sinnott)教授是执行院长。
Top in Eastern Europe: St Petersburg
排名最高的东欧商学院:圣彼得堡国立大学管理学院(St Petersburg GSOM)
St Petersburg GSOM is up seven places to 57. This is the school’s best performance since it entered the ranking in 2013. It has improved its position in the Masters in Management ranking, rising from 35 to 21, and returns to the EMBA ranking in 56th place. The school has a near gender-balanced faculty but only 4 per cent are international.