According to the CDC, roughly 10 million people every year are subject to spousal abuse of some kind, and this doesn't even count the abuse numbers perpetrated against children by a battering parent. Domestic violence is a huge problem, and shutting it down while also dealing with the spread is an issue society has been trying to get a handle on for some time now.
As we talk about below, there are many disturbing facts surrounding domestic abuse, and those who perpetuate it. Some of these facts make it difficult to stop the abusers, or end the cycle of violence, and some of the laws meant to protect everyone make it easier for the abuser to continue harming others, walking free of consequences.
10.Oftentimes Victims Of Abuse Grow Up To Be Abusers Themselves
Many people would like to think that the world is a bright and shiny place where people who go through horrible things learn from it and would never imagine doing it to others. Sadly, this isn't really the world we live in. While the majority of people who are abused do manage to break the cycle, there is a cycle and the amount of people who get caught up in it is rather alarming. Statistics peg the amount of abused children who grow up to be abusers themselves as somewhere between 30-40%, which is a much higher number than many of us are comfortable with.
The truth is that development as a young child is crucially important and children who are abused learn violence at an early age, and also often don't have very secure attachments with their parents, which makes it harder for them to form secure attachments with their children later on. Experts believe with proper intervention and education that more people can break the cycle, but it is an uphill battle. Someone who has been abused at an early age has already gone through great trauma, and helping them get the help they need as early on in life as possible is paramount.
9.Many Domestic Abuse Victims Come To Believe They Deserve It
Many people who are abused will stay with the person hurting them long past when they really should, leading those who have never been in such a situation to ask "why did you not leave?" Many simply do not understand the reasons it can occur, but guilt and lack of self esteem is one of the biggest. The person manipulating them will often go to great pains to bring down their sense of self worth, make them feel like they are useless, or only worthwhile when the abuser gives them their praise and 'love'. This means since the abuse victim is trained not to believe the abuser could be doing anything wrong, as they are needed and important in their life, they convince themselves that they are doing wrong and deserving of the abuse.
This leads them to lose more self esteem, makes them less likely to seek help, and firmly puts them in the clutches of the predator controlling them. Since they are convinced they deserve it, their tormenter can pretty much do what they want, and they will still think they are the one who did wrong. Anyone who is abused should remember that you never deserve abuse, it is never your fault, and even if you have made excuses for them in the past, or allowed them to get away with it before, it is still wrong and they have no right to violate you in any way.
8.Many Abusers Walk Free Because They Convinced Their Victim To Recant Their Testimony
Domestic abusers usually finally get caught because there is a disturbance heard by the neighbors and the police are called, or the victim finally decides to call themelves. In these situations, there is often an arrest made, and the police will take a statement from the victim. This witness statement is important in taking down the abuser and getting them locked up where they belong, but sadly the abuser often walks free. Many victims are either attached to the person who abused them, or somehow fear retribution, and end up later recanting their testimony.
This makes it very hard for the prosecutors to really go forward with the case, and it often means the abuser goes entirely scot free. To make matters worse, in these situations, the abuse victim nearly always ends up back with the abuser. In some situations, this means the batterer is still also around the children as well – if there are any. It is simply far too easy for testimony to be recanted later after the victim has had too much time to think about how they might want to protect their abuser from the law – clearly this needs to change. Prosecutors need better methods to bring airtight cases, so that one issue like that doesn't leave a violent and dangerous person free to do what they wish.
7.Men Can Also Be Victims Of Domestic Abuse, But Are Much Less Likely To Report It
When anyone talks about men being victims of domestic violence, people either tend to think of it as a joke, they think you are talking about gay men, or they are a men's rights activist trying to make a point. However, sadly while many people do not take it seriously, domestic abuse against males is far more common than most people would think. Overall, while most people would think women make up the vast majority, men actually make up about 40% of domestic abuse victims. Unlike women, though, they are much less likely to report it. Many men are afraid they simply will not be taken seriously, told to man up, or other comments that assume a man is not capable of being abused by another person, especially a woman.
For gay men, it can be an even more difficult situation. Many people do not approve of their relationship to begin with, which narrows down the amount of people they can talk to. A lot of people do not respect gay people, or think that one is the "woman" in a relationship and will often play it off that way as well. More often than not whether straight or gay, the man will simply not report it out of shame, because society teaches men they are supposed to look and act tough at all times. Sadly, this means many men who are abused are not getting the help they need, and are continually victimized.
6.Many Victims Of Abuse Stay For Their Kids
Many people wonder why domestic abuse victims stay, and one of the most common ones is actually for the children. Many victims are worried that if they leave, there will be no buffer between the kids and the batterer. To make matters worse, if the victim leaves without taking the kids with them, the abuser can harm the kids in their absence. However, if the victim takes the children without first getting proper orders from the court, this could be used against them so the abuser can end up with legal custody – this puts the victim in a really tight position.
They essentially have to get in touch with the police and press charges, knowing the abuser could harm the children or themselves while awaiting full court proceedings – which can take some time. In many situations the victim is horrified that the abuser will go crazy when the game is up and become incredibly violent and dangerous. With the law not working as fast as they would prefer, many simply stay silent and try to protect their kids and take the anger and blows for them. They are gripped in fear by a monster who wants to control them, and are often left with very few options open to them.