5.The Astonishingly Placed Pyramids Of Giza
The pyramids of Giza are positioned in a way that is more than coincidental. Three pyramids perfectly match with the stars in Orion's belt. Even the pyramids' sizes are related to the brightness of the stars. Where two pyramids are identical with the third being half as high as them, two stars are equally bright with the third half as bright. The pyramids are even positioned in an almost perfect line with the North Magnetic Pole.
Coincidence? Think again. This positioning of the pyramids would have required massive knowledge in science, geometry, and astronomy, to say the least—knowledge comparable to today's capacities. How did an ancient civilization acquire such knowledge?
Akhenaten was potentially one of the biggest religious innovators in human history. The Egyptian pharaoh who lived and ruled during the 18th Dynasty is famous as the one who switched Egypt from a polytheistic society into a monotheistic one. The god that the pharaoh worshiped was called Aten or the Sun Disk. Akhenaten's devotion for his god even pushed him to build a whole city for Aten.
In poetry of the time, the pharaoh is portrayed as being visited by beings from the sky. Some have even indicated that he was one of these beings himself. Akhenaten brought religious and social revolution in Egypt and started a new era for the nation. To do so in a traditionally polytheistic civilization adds to the suspicion that he wasn't doing it alone but was guided.
3.Tulli Papyrus
The Tulli Papyrus is potentially the best primary source that suggests an alien presence in ancient Egypt. The papyrus supposedly contains sightings of UFOs during the time when Thutmosis III ruled Egypt. In his description of the events, the person who wrote the papyrus says that a circle of fire approached from the skies. The objects—which seem to have been some form of alien discs—increased in number but eventually left.
The papyrus is said to have been found by the former director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican Museum, Alberto Tulli. When he died, Tulli's belongings passed to his brother, but before long, the brother died, too, and the papyrus could not be located. One of the most important original sources that could change a lot of things we know about human history went missing just like that—or at least that's what they want us to believe. Although a lot have questioned the authenticity of the document, the Tulli Papyrus remains a major indicator of extraterrestrial life in ancient Egypt.
2.Hieroglyphs On Spaceships
Another important factor that has raised more questions regarding aliens in ancient Egypt is the alleged finding of Egyptian hieroglyphs on both the Roswell UFO and the one witnessed at Rendlesham Forest. The symbols found in the Roswell UFO, which supposedly crashed in 1947, apparently match up with those seen on the Rendlesham object in 1980. In particular, a triangle with two spheres was allegedly found on both these UFOs.
另一个引发了更多关于古埃及时代外星人争议的重要因素是两个图案的发现,一个在Roswell UFO上,另一个在Rendlesham Forest中。Roswell UFO可能坠落于1947年,在里面发现的符号显然和1980年在Rendlesham上看到的东西相匹配。特别是,据说在这些UFO上也发现了一个带有两个小球的三角形图案。
Why would two UFOs that crashed 33 years apart share similar, if not the same, ancient symbols? If information was disclosed and the symbols were proven to be linked, it would be more than a coincidence, and it would present some serious implications about ancient Egyptian society. However, the hieroglyphs on these two UFOs still reinforce the suspicion that has risen on the subject of extraterrestrial influence in ancient Egypt.
1.Ancient Artifacts
Ancient artifacts were allegedly found in the former home of Sir William Petrie, aka Flinders Petrie, who is considered one of the best Egyptologists in history. The items found at his old house in Jerusalem were rumored to be of unearthly origin. Among the items were two mummified bodies, allegedly of extraterrestrials, as well as items featuring symbols that could not be explained. The artifacts were taken from Petrie's home by Jerusalem's Rockefeller Museum and are said to be kept secret by them.
Being one of the best archaeologists of all time, it is hard to imagine that Petrie would have hidden the items if they weren't of massive importance. His reputation has fueled the rumors of extraterrestrial life in Egypt even more.
In the end, physical proof is very hard to find, but we should always remember that evidence of high importance isn't really accessible by the public. However, these ten signs do help us form a strong argument that the Egyptian people didn't score so many major accomplishments on their own. The findings create a pattern that is consistent with logic and are attracting more people every day to invest in the mysteries of ancient Egypt.