Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious civilizations in human history. It has left behind obvious proof of infrastructure and technology that was extraordinary for the time (as far as we know). Nowadays, we're still fascinated by what ancient Egypt managed to accomplish, and we still ask ourselves how they did such complicated things with their apparently modest technology. Modern science still cannot explain some of the Egyptians' accomplishments, one of them being the building of a perfectly structured pyramid.
Their development is actually so unusual that some people believe it's a possibility that ancient Egypt was a potential destination for extraterrestrial life. It would be a great explanation for every advanced methods that the Egyptians must have used to accomplish all they did. Granted, definitive physical proof that aliens indeed visited Egypt in the past might very well be covered up by world governments, but there are still signs that point to alien contribution to ancient Egypt, and these are ten of the most exciting:
Let's start with the obvious. How on Earth did the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids? Their spectacular design and structure required tremendous skill. Yet the Egyptians somehow found a way to build not one but several pyramids across Egypt. They were the burial places of dead pharaohs. The building of these pyramids required millions of blocks of stone, each weighing tons. According to specialist Richard Coslow, only one stone would require ten men to lift 400 kilograms (900 lb) each. That is practically impossible.
Even if the workers all had Superman's powers, how does that explain the amazing precision of the pyramids? The blocks were cut so precisely that you would think computers and machines were used to do so. The ratio of the Great Pyramid's circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi.
So how did they do it? Unless there was indeed a mutant breathing at the time like X-Men: Apocalypse indicates, there is no possible explanation of such accomplishment without the use of an extremely advanced technology that we are not aware of.
Ancient Egyptians left behind a lot of hieroglyphs that have great historical and artistic value. But that isn't the most significant thing about them. There are drawings that have created a lot of amazement among people, especially among those who are curious about ancient Egypt.
One case is that of a hieroglyph appearing to show the Egyptians in possession of electricity. It depicts people holding what seems to be an electrical lamp or light bulb. That has raised a lot of suspicion. If the hieroglyph is really portraying an electrical lamp, then how did they discover electricity back then? The hieroglyph may indicate the scientific and technological capacities that ancient Egyptians potentially possessed.
8.Visionary Hieroglyphs
If you thought the light bulb glyph is the only interesting ancient Egyptian hieroglyph that has survived, then you're wrong. Another is said to show far more advanced technology. The figures in it are very similar to images of a helicopter and a plane. The hieroglyph, which has gone viral, raises even more questions about the development of Egyptian technology. How did the ancient Egyptians have any ideas of flying instruments back in their day?
There is always a possibility that the hieroglyph is being interpreted the wrong way. But the chances of that are very low, given how accurate the image of the helicopter in particular is. It is certainly one the biggest indicators of the presence of a more advanced species.
7.Photogenic Aliens On Ancient Money
Of all the possible indications of potential extraterrestrial life in ancient Egypt, this one would be the weakest, but that, however, doesn't make it unworthy of consideration. During a house renovation in Egypt, coins were found that had unusual portraits on them. One resembles the head and shoulders of an alien. The images on the other coin show an alien spaceship—or at least that is what it looks like.
People have opposed this theory by suggesting that the carvings have been manipulated by passionate believers in alien life. However, these coins are still very possibly from ancient Egypt. And if that is the case, few can oppose the theory that aliens did indeed populate or at least help Egypt back in the day.
6.Unusual Mummy
Another sign that excites supporters of the claim that ancient Egypt was visited by aliens is a mummy recently discovered in a small pyramid near Senusret II's pyramid. The structure of its skeleton does not resemble that of a human's body. The face is what looks especially different. The mummy was uncovered by Dr. Victor Lubeck, a retired professor from the University of Pennsylvania.
The remains were found surrounded by unusual objects that could not be identified. An anonymous source claimed that the mummy does not originate from Earth and that it has greatly troubled Egyptian authorities, who want to keep it a secret. According to the source, in life, the mummy served as an advisor to Pharaoh Osirunet.
Governments refuse to admit the implications that such a discovery has for human history, but they still fail to provide the world with significant explanation for it. This mummy isn't the only discovery that has reinforced the alien rumors.