5.What Would Happen if We Collided with Another Universe?
In the multiverse theory, there are an infinite number of universes running parallel to our own. And parallel is exactly how we want the universes to run, because if one collides with our own, we're in big trouble.
The good news is that we won't be able to tell it's happening because it will happen so fast. In fact, the exterior wall of the other universe will be traveling nearly at the speed of light when it hits us. Anthony Aguirre, a physicist at the University of California-Santa Cruz, says that if we could slow it down, it would look like a giant mirror crashing down on us. It would look like a mirror because the outer boundary of the other universe would reflect light.
好消息是,因为碰撞的过程非常之快,我们根本不会知道发生了什么。事实上,另一个宇宙的边缘将会以光速撞上我们。 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的物理学家安东尼·阿吉雷认为,如果用慢镜头看,就像一面巨大的镜子砸向我们。因为别的宇宙的边界是可以反射光的。
After that, we won't feel anything because we'll no longer exist. Boy, isn't this becoming one heck of a feel-good list?
4.What Would Happen if You Fell Into a Volcano?
There's pretty much no hope for this one. You'd die, but the interesting question is how would you die if you fell into a volcano? Would you drown like Gollum in The Lord of the Rings? Or would you burn to death?
If you fell into a volcano, you'd fall onto a pool of magma, which is molten rock that is below the earth. The difference between magma and lava is that lava is molten rock that has come to the surface. Nevertheless, magma and lava behave very similarly when it comes to falling on it.
Magma and lava are about two-to-three times denser than water and it can be thousands to millions of times more viscous than water, so it isn't as easily deformed. It would be like landing on wet cement. You'd make a small indentation, but wouldn't submerge or sink in.
The good news is that you may be dead before hitting the magma. As you fall and get closer to the magma, your lungs could char or you might asphyxiate. If you aren't killed while falling, then hitting the magma at a high rate of speed will probably break your neck or skull, which should kill you.
If you do survive all that, your body will burst into flames the instant you hit the magma and you'll melt into the magma or become specks of ash. So try to avoid jumping into an active volcano, alright?
3.What Happens if a Hole Opens Up on an Airplane While it's Flying?
It is by far one of the biggest movie tropes of all time: There's a hole in an airplane, it sucks people out, and they fall to their deaths. Since it's been in so many movies, it has to be real, right?
First off, if a hole does open in an airplane, it's not going to be because someone opened a door mid-flight. It's physically impossible to open a passenger door on modern planes while they are in flight because the cabins have a higher pressure than the outside, so there is around 6 pounds per square inch of differential pressure against a door that is hundreds of square inches.
But what happened if, for whatever reason, a giant hole forms in the side of the plane that you're aboard? If that's the case, there would be an explosive decompression, which would cause someone standing next to the hole to be sucked out. If someone is buckled into their seat near the hole, they won't fly out because plane seats are secured into the plane so that they won't fly out the hole. In other words: when the flight attendants tell you to buckle up, do what they say.
Now all you have to worry about is possibly being violently thrown off a flight that you paid for so that the airline's staff can fly instead.
2.What Would Happen if You Didn't Shower or Bathe for a Year?
Obviously, you'd stink.
Dead skin would accumulate on top of your skin and part of that dead skin is a protein that is really smelly. Also, bacteria would grow on your skin and when it mixes with sweat, it gives off a terrible odor.
Brown clumps will also grow in areas where your body produces the most oil, like behind your ears and under your arms. Your head would itch something fierce, because of all the dead skin accumulated on top of it. Acne and puss bumps will also become common.
Your groin will also be another major problem area because rashes could become common. It's even possible that the scum between your toes will spread to your groin.
One of the biggest problems you'd face is infection. If you cut yourself, the first thing you're supposed to do is wash the cut so it doesn't get infected. So if you're covered in bacteria, that means you're more likely to get a soft issue infection.
Finally, if you wanted to return to normal (and let's be honest, who wouldn't?), the bad news is that it would take several weeks. That means if you want to try this experiment – which we beg you not to do – you may not want to set up a date within the first month of showering again.
1.What Would Happen if Every Species Became Self-Aware and Intelligent
In the Planet of the Apes films, we have a problem when one species becomes intelligent and self-aware. But what would happen if all species suddenly became self-aware and intelligent? Innes Cuthill, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Bristol, thinks that it will be an all-out war between the species.
Humans would probably set out to wipe out any animals we'd view as threats like lions, tigers, and bears (Oh my! Yeah, we know). Next, we'd have to kill off the primates before they got organized because if they somehow got ahold of human technology like guns or even computers and learned how to use them, we would be in big trouble. Physically, they are much bigger, stronger, and more agile than us, so if they became smarter and used technology it could be too hard for us to overcome.
But in the end, there is a good chance humans would win the early stages of the war because there are so many of us and we're already armed, plus we have already access to technology and – most importantly – know how to use it.
We just have to hope that something like bacteria doesn't gain intelligence, because a smart bacterium could probably kill off all humans (and everything else) and take over the planet.
Even if a bacterium doesn't gain intelligence, the war of the species would be horrible for anyone who survives because ecosystems will collapse and only things like cockroaches will survive.