WHETHER it's juggling a busy job with the school run, trying to squeeze in a trip to the gym, doing DIY at weekends, or just finding time to meet friends for a coffee, it seems women's lives today are fuller than ever.
不管是既要忙着工作又要开车接送孩子上下学,还是挤出时间去健身房、周末做做手工、找个时间约朋友喝咖啡,好像现在的女性生活得比以往更充实了 。
And while most dads are taking on more childcare and housework, the huge strides taken by women at work mean many are living life at an ever faster pace. It can also mean that, with packed schedules, women's wellbeing can be a long way down their to-do list.
虽然大多数的父亲承担了更多育儿责任和家务活,但是女性在工作中取得的巨大进步意味着很多人的生活节奏比以往更快了 。这也意味着,女性越来越忙,也就照顾不到自己的身心健康了 。
Thankfully, with guidance available from your local community pharmacist, at Boots, it is quick and convenient for women to get help and advice on the high street. You don't need to make an appointment, you can simply pop into your local Boots pharmacy store, where you'll find a pharmacist and their team happy to answer your questions. Most have a private consultation room, so you can discuss symptoms away from other customers.
幸运的是,博姿公司在各地都有社区药剂师,对于职业女性而言,她们可以快而便宜的得到帮助和建议 。无需预约,只要去博姿的本地药店,那儿的药剂师和其它工作人员很乐意回答您的问题 。大多数博姿药店都有自己的私人诊疗室,所以你可以不用当着其它顾客的面谈论自己的症状 。
Pharmacists can also provide advice for a wide range of women's health issues, such as contraception, wellbeing in pregnancy and the menopause. By popping to your local Boots, you can get advice about these health issues, as well as discuss other concerns, at a time to suit you, helping you to live a healthy life.
药剂师也能就女性的健康问题提供很多建议,比如避孕、怀孕和更年期 。有时间去当地的博姿药店,你就能了解这些健康问题,还可以和药剂师讨论其它症状,让你的生活更健康 。
Below we've highlighted some of the key health areas women need to pay attention to...
Heart Health
According to NHS figures, women are twice as likely to die from heart disease compared to breast cancer.
据英国国家医疗服务体系的数据显示,女性死于心脏病的风险是乳腺癌风险的两倍 。
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is one of the UK's leading killers. Yet many women don't know that some seemingly less serious problems, such as breathlessness, can be an early warning sign of a potential heart problem. You can speak to a member of the pharmacy team who can help advise on lifestyle changes including tips on eating healthily and stopping smoking.
冠心病是导致英国人死亡的头号杀手之一 。但很多女性却不知道,一些似乎不那么严重的问题,例如喘不过气,可能却是潜在心脏问题的早期预警信号 。你可以咨询药店人员,他们会给出有关生活方式的建议,包括健康饮食和戒烟的技巧 。
The Human Papilloma virus (HPV) causes most cases of cervical cancer.
人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)是大多数宫颈癌的原因 。
The HPV vaccination is routinely offered to secondary school age girls, as part of the NHS Childhood Vaccination Programme. The Boots HPV Vaccination Service is suitable for women aged 12-44*.
作为英国国家医疗服务体系"儿童疫苗接种计划"的一部分,现已定期对中学年龄的女孩接种了HPV疫苗 。博姿HPV疫苗接种服务适合12至44岁的女性 。