Eat your way to a flatter belly
When you're trying to slim down your stomach, core exercises and ab workouts go a long way-but what you eat also plays a huge role. In addition to drinking enough water, eating fresh produce and healthy fats, and avoiding notorious belly-busters (think alcohol, soda, and sugar), certain foods are particularly good for shrinking your gut.
当你试着减肚子的时候,重心锻炼和腹部锻炼大有帮助--但吃什么也起着重要作用 。除了喝大量的水,你也可以吃些新鲜的农产品和健康的脂肪并避免食用不招人待见的破坏肚子的食品(比如酒、苏打水和糖),有些食物对收缩肠道尤为有益 。
"If you want your abs to feel flatter, choose foods that will help decrease bloating in your stomach, such as water-packed fruits and veggies," says Keri Gans, RD, a New York City-based nutrition consultant and author of The Small Change Diet.
"如果你想让小腹更平坦,那就吃些有益于减少腹胀的食物吧,比如水分充足的水果和蔬菜,"注册营养师克里·甘斯说道,她还是纽约市的营养咨询师、The Small Change Diet一书的作者 。
These 3 foods will help keep your waistline slim by reducing bloat, boosting metabolism, and giving your body important nutrients that encourage weight loss.
这三种食物能减少腹胀、促进新陈代谢、给身体提供有益于减肥的重要营养物质,因此能让你一直都是小蛮腰 。
Thanks to the flavonoid antioxidant quercetin (which reduces swelling) and a high water content of 96%, cucumbers "can definitely help prevent bloating," says Gans. This crunchy veggie is also extremely versatile: eat it in a chopped salad, sprinkle on top of yogurt, or munch on cucumber slices with homemade hummus.
由于含有黄酮类抗氧化剂槲皮素(能够减少肿胀)和高达96%的含水量,黄瓜"肯定能帮助预防肿胀,"甘斯说道 。这一脆口蔬菜食用方法多样:可以切开来放在沙拉中、洒在酸奶上或者将切片的黄瓜与自制鹰嘴豆一起食用 。
As a member of the super-nutritious pulse family, lentils-along with other seeds that grow within pods like chickpeas, white beans, and dried peas-are packed with protein and fiber, which increase satiety. They're also a good source of iron; this is important because studies have shown that being deficient in the mineral could slow down your metabolism.
作为超级营养的豆科一员,扁豆--和其它生长在豆荚中的豆子(比如鹰嘴豆、白豆和干豆)一样--富含蛋白质和纤维,能够增加饱腹感 。它们也是铁元素的良好来源,铁元素十分重要,因为研究已表明缺乏铁元素会减缓你的新陈代谢 。
"Add lentils to salads or use in place of whole grains like brown rice," says Cynthia Sass, Health's contributing nutrition editor. "They also make a great 'bed' for a serving of lean protein."
"在沙拉中放些扁豆或代替糙米等全谷物吧,"《健康》杂志的特约营养编辑辛西娅·萨斯说道 。"扁豆还是精益蛋白的摇篮 。"
Craving an afternoon snack? A banana may be your best bet. In addition to potassium, bananas are packed with resistant starch, a healthy carbohydrate that your body digests slowly, which keeps you full for longer. Resistant starch also encourages your liver to switch to fat-burning mode, giving your metabolism a boost.
午后想吃零食了?香蕉可能是最佳选择 。除了钾元素,香蕉还富含抗性淀粉,这是一种身体消化很慢的健康碳水化合物,所以能让你的饱腹感更持久 。抗性淀粉还会鼓励你的肝脏切换到脂肪燃烧模式,促进你的新陈代谢 。
Even more good news for your abs: "Bananas may help prevent water retention in our bodies by regulating sodium levels," says Gans, "decreasing the risk for bloating."
对你的小腹我们还有更好的消息:"香蕉或能通过调节钠元素水平预防身体中的水分滞留,"甘斯说道,"从而降低浮肿的风险 。"