Doing a degree cuts the risk of suffering a heart attack later in life by a third, according to research.
Experts found that the longer someone stays in education, the lower their risk of developing coronary heart disease.
The researchers, from University College London and Oxford University, believe this is because educated people subsequently less likely to smoke, eat healthier diets and do more exercise.
They are also likely to get better jobs, which means they have higher incomes and suffer less stress and anxiety - which is hugely beneficial to cardiovascular health.
The research, published in the British Medical Journal, is the strongest evidence to date about the health benefits of education.
Many previous studies have found that university graduates are healthier - but critics have always pointed out that they are likely to be from richer backgrounds to start with, and have all the health benefits of a privileged youth.
The new study, which is based on 540,000 people, is the first to comprehensively prove that education makes a difference despite someone's start in life.