By 1937 it was established that, unlike their Japanese and Italian counterparts, the German Army, the German Navy and probably the Air Force, together with other state organisations like the railways and the SS used,
for all except their tactical communications, different versions of the same cypher system—the Enigma machine which had been put on the market in the 1920s but which the Germans had rendered more secure by progressive modifications.
In 1937 GC and CS broke into the less modified and less secure model of this machine that was being used by the Germans, the Italians and the Spanish nationalist forces.
But apart from this the Enigma still resisted attack, and it seemed likely that it would continue to do so.
The Enigma machine was the central problem that confronted British Intelligence in 1938.
But they believed it was unsolvable.
Within the existing system, perhaps it was.
In particular, this department of classicists, a sort of secret shadow of King's down in Broadway Buildings, did not include a mathematician.
No addition was made to permanent staff in 1938 to meet this striking deficiency.