I've always loved the look of second-day hair-perfectly-undone, slightly tousled waves like you just rolled out of bed. To achieve the style without waiting 48 hours, I used to wash my hair every night, curl it, then use a flat iron to transform the curls into waves that looked naturally lived-in. I loved the end result, but the process was time-consuming-and worse, it was damaging my hair. To top it off, I had oily roots, which meant my "second-day" look actually needed to be recreated every day. I needed a change.
我喜欢洗完头后第二天的样子--完美无瑕、有点儿卷,就像刚刚起床的样子 。以前,为了不必等待48小时就能达到这种效果,我每晚都会洗头,卷头,然后再用夹板将头发卷成波浪卷,这样就十分自然了 。我喜欢最终的效果,但这一过程太耗时了--更糟糕的是,我的头发因此受损了 。除此之外,我头发很油,所以想要拥有"第二天"的完美头发,我必须每天洗头 。我需要做出改变了 。
About a year ago, I decided to wash my hair less often. I'd recently splurged on balayage highlights, and I was eager to make the color last. My goal was to eventually go a week in between washes, but I started gradually, cutting back one day at a time. And I'm not going to lie: during those first few weeks, my hair felt like an oil slick, and I was constantly tempted to shampoo it. But I resisted, and as time went on, my strands adapted to the new routine.
大约一年前,我决定不再那么频繁的洗头了 。最近,我花钱染了头发,那时候我太渴望自己的发色能保持下去了 。我的最终目标就是一周只洗一次头,但我开展的很慢,每次洗头时都只减少一天 。我不会撒谎的:前几周的时候,我的头发太油了,我总想去洗 。但我抵制了洗头的欲望,随着时间的流逝,我的头发开始适应了新的洗头模式 。
Now, I can honestly say that weekly washing transformed my hair, and I'll never go back to washing it daily. Here's how I make my once-a-week shampoo look fresh for a full seven days.
诚实的说,我现在每周只洗一次头,再也不会每天都洗了 。下面我将介绍如何每周只洗一次头却能保持一整周不油腻 。
Every seven days, that wash needs to be thorough and effective. So once a week, I lather, rinse, and repeat with a clarifying shampoo and conditioner. My favorite are Hask Charcoal Clarifying Shampoo ($6; walgreens.com) and Hask Charcoal Clarifying Conditioner ($6; walgreens.com). After, I apply my one major product splurge: Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask With Rare Prickly Pear Seed Oil ($71; sephora.com). It's pricey, but leaves my hair noticeably soft and smooth for days on end. If I'm trying to save money, I'll use Neutrogena Triple Moisture Professional Deep Recovery Mask ($9; walgreens.com) instead. It's significantly cheaper, but still hydrating.
每七天才洗一次头,因此必须洗的彻底、有效 。所以每周我都会揉出泡沫、冲洗,然后用清爽洗发水和护发素再洗一遍 。我最喜欢的产品是Hask Charcoal清爽洗发水(walgreens.com网站售卖6美元)和Hask Charcoal 清爽护发素(walgreens.com网站售卖6美元) 。之后,我会使用最贵的一个产品:Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask With Rare Prickly Pear Seed Oil(sephora.com网站售卖71美元) 。价格很高,但用过之后,头发会连续几天保持柔顺 。如果我在省钱,那我就会用Neutrogena Triple Moisture Professional Deep Recovery Mask(walgreens.com网站售卖9美元) 。这款发膜便宜很多,但也十分保湿 。
After my weekly wash, I blow dry and curl my hair, always dividing it into two layers and curling away from my face, leaving the last half inch off the wand for a natural finish.
每周洗完后,我都会吹头发、卷头发 。通常我会分成两层,从靠脸的地方开始卷,留最后半寸自然卷曲 。