Applying sunscreen can be a tedious chore that often seems to require superhuman flexibility and the need for at least an extra set of hands.
涂防晒霜是件单调琐碎的事,似乎往往需要非凡的灵活性,至少需要额外的帮手 。
But it doesn’t have to be. The company SnappyScreen wants to revolutionize the way we slather on SPF with its automated sunscreen-application invention that is already gaining traction with vacationers.
但这并非是必要的 。SnappyScreen公司想用其全自动涂防晒霜的发明来彻底改变我们涂防晒霜的方式,而且这种装置已经获得了度假者的青睐 。
Imagine this: You step into a booth, select your preferred SPF (15, 30, or 40) and enter your height. Then a fine mist covers you from head to toe, a rotating base ensuring even distribution. The whole thing takes all of 10 seconds. If taking precautions against skin cancer were always this easy, no one would ever skip on sunscreen again. And that’s exactly what SnappyScreen founder Kristen McClellan is hoping.
想象一下这样的场景:你走进一个小亭子,选择自己想要的防晒指数(15,30或40)并输入你的身高,然后一层精细的喷雾就可以从头到脚覆盖你的全身,而且这个亭子还有一个可以旋转的底座确保喷雾可以均匀分布 。整个过程一共需要10秒 。如果预防皮肤癌的措施都这么简单,没人会再次略过防晒的过程 。这就是SnappyScreen公司的创始人克里斯汀·麦克莱伦所希望的 。
The SnappyScreen system envelopes the entire body—including hard-to-reach areas like underarms and the back of the neck—making the process much less of a hassle.
SnappyScreen公司的装置可以覆盖全身,包括腋下及颈背等不容易擦到的地方,这使得涂防晒霜的整个过程更便利 。
“Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before going outside, and reapplied every two hours and immediately after swimming or sweating,” says Ronald Moy, senior vice president of The Skin Cancer Foundation.
“防晒霜应该在去室外之前的30分钟涂好,每两个小时要再涂一次,而且在游泳或流汗之后都要立即涂防晒霜,”美国皮肤癌基金会高级副总裁罗纳德·莫伊说道 。
SnappyScreen hopes to make the process so easy that families will gladly return for additional coatings.
SnappyScreen公司希望可以使这道程序更简单,让一家人都乐意回来再涂一层防晒霜 。
SnappyScreen sells directly to properties, which independently decide pricing: It can be a free service or one where customers pay by credit cards or by charging fees to hotel rooms. The company supplies its own sunscreen formula, a spray that is oxybenzone- and alcohol-free—and it won’t damage swimsuits.
SnappyScreen公司直接向酒店出售其产品,由酒店自主定价:可以是免费服务,也可以是付费服务,客人们则可以通过信用卡或把帐记入房费等方式付款 。该公司还提供了他们自己的防晒霜配方 。那是一种无醇且不含氧苯酮的喷雾,而且这种喷雾不会破坏泳衣 。
The company has now started to receive interest from water parks, country clubs, public pools, beaches, and private homes.
如今这家公司已经开始引起水上乐园、乡间俱乐部、公共游泳池、海滩以及私人住宅的兴趣 。
“People know they should put on sunscreen more, and if we can make it a little bit more fun and get people to protect themselves, that would be a huge win,” says McClellan.
"人们知道应该多涂防晒霜,如果我们能把这个过程变得更有趣,还能让大家保护自己,这会是巨大的成功,”麦克莱伦说道 。