日期:2017-08-25 17:09



1. He comes first
This has nothing to do with sex, but the need for one another sexually will also have begun to dry up. No, what I am talking about here is his complete and utter lack for what is good for you, what you want and why. When a man truly cares, he will actually make you a top priority and be concerned with your thoughts and feelings. When he starts to pull back from compromising, you know something is up.
2. Blasé
Something just…does not feel right. Your emotions towards one another seem to be in a constant state of "meh." No matter what you say, you can't ever elicit a response. He will show virtually no interest in your family, friends, social life, or work. This is the exact opposite of what happens when people want to build a stronger relationship. When he becomes blasé and noncommittal, it is time to move on.




3. No calls, no texts
Remember when he would text you good morning and good night? Say goodbye to those days. Now, you are practically praying to the phone gods to deliver a message from one high so you can say "hallelujah, he does love me!" Sadly, your boyfriend stopped caring about you, so now the most you are going to get in response to your thought out message is the lackluster "k."
4. Bickering abound
You are going to have more bad days than good ones with one another. It will seem like everything stems an argument that leaves you two pouting on opposite ends of the couch. However, instead of having a full-on confrontation, he will literally turn the other way, shutting himself away from you. Talking things through has stopped. Healthy discussion, although heated, is over.


