1. Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone
When I was a first year student I was a bit shy and I treated going to college as a huge life change. New circle of contacts made me hesitate to step outside my comfort zone. My strong traits of character helped me overcome my fears and inner constraint.
当我还是大一新生的时候,我有点害羞,而且害怕去大学,因为生活会有很大的变化 。新的交际圈,让我犹豫不决地走出自己了舒适空间 。我坚强的性格特征帮助我克服了恐惧和内心的约束 。
There are many wonderful people who can give you a valuable advice and support if you cannot make up your mind to do something. That's why you should try to be confident while expressing yourself. An active and funny college life will provide you majestic memories.
如果你不能下定决心做某事的时候,你的身边就会有许多很好的人可以给你有价值的建议和支持 。这就是为什么你在表现自我的时候,应该尝试着自信的原因 。积极有趣的大学生活,会给你留下非常美好的回忆 。
2. Don't be afraid to ask for help
There's a big amount of information you've got to know. You might understand how to register for classes, what the names of your professors are or how to do one or another task in a proper way. College is full of students who are former freshmen. They can give you a helping hand, if you don't know something.
有大量的信息你需要了解 。你或许知道如何注册课程,你的教授的名字或者如何以合适的方法做一件或者另一件任务 。大学里面到处都是曾经的大一新生 。如果你有什么不懂的事情,他们都可以帮助你 。
Moreover, many professors, teachers and other college members can answer your questions. The sooner you delve into your college life the more chances you'll have to get the reputation of a successful student and become knowledgeable.
此外,许多教授,老师和其他大学成员都可以回答你的问题 。你融入大学生活越快,你就越有机会获得成功学生的荣誉,而且会变得很有学识 。
3. Manage your time
Time management is an extremely important skill that will come in handy in everyday usage for the rest of your life. Your future success depends on the way you spend your free time. At college, it's necessary to find time for studies and for having fun. One of the best ways to manage your time during the first year is to make a schedule. It will help you succeed and reach all goals you need.
时间管理是一种极为重要的技能,这一技能在你以后的人生当中的每天都会随时用得到 。你未来的成功取决于你利用业余时间的方式 。在大学,找到学习和娱乐的时间很重要 。在大学第一年,管理时间的最好方法之一就是做计划表 。这会帮助你获得成功,而且实现你想要的所有目标 。