Style and beauty experts reveal the hidden ways you're aging yourself - and their sneaky tricks for turning back the clock.
时尚美容专家揭开了加速老化的方式--以及逆生长的方法 。
Ill-Fitting Clothes
Unless you're going for an oversized look, frumpy clothes are never fabulous. "Getting your staple pieces - a classic jacket or a favorite black dress - tailored slightly to fit better makes you feel younger and look slimmer," says Harris. If a tailor isn't readily available or affordable in your area, Harris recommends going to the local dry cleaner: "You just need someone who can do inexpensive hemming or alterations."
除非你想给人大一号的印象,否则肥大的衣服永远都不是最佳选择 。"把你的主流衣服--经典夹克或你最爱的黑裙子--裁剪成适合你的尺寸,这样能让你看上去更年轻、更苗条,"哈里斯说道 。如果你附近没有裁缝,或者你付不起裁剪衣服的费用,那哈里斯建议去当地的干洗店:"反正你需要的只是收费不高的能改衣服大小的人 。"
Peachy Nails
Mauve manicures are obviously for grannies. But your go-to opaque peach or pink polish may have a similar effect: "It can make your skin look aged and wash you out," says Jin Soon Choi, founder of JINsoon Nail Laquer. Instead, try a sheer glossy white. "It's a modern version of a classic sheer pink, and is part of a trend that brightens skin tones," says the celebrity nail guru. The best canvas: medium length oval or round nails.
显然,淡紫色的指甲是奶奶们的最爱 。但不透明的桃色或粉红色指甲也许会产生相似的效果 。"它会使你的皮肤显老,让你出局,"JINsoon Nail Laquer的创始人Jin Soon Choi说道 。但你可以试试纯白色 。"这是经典纯粉色的现代版,同时还能提亮肤色,"名人指甲大师说道 。最容易做的指甲就是中等长度的椭圆形或圆形指甲 。
Matching All Your Accessories
The bag, the shoes, the belt: If they're all the same color, your whole look will come across as dated, says New York City-based stylist Hannah Deely. "Wearing a head-to-toe trend can make it look like you're trying too hard to be young, which can actually make you look older," she notes. Focus instead on adding one trendy item, like a purse, or opt for a neutral bag paired with printed or striped pumps.
包包、鞋子和皮带 。如果它们都是同样的颜色,那么你的整体look就会过时,纽约市的造型师汉娜·迪丽说道 。"从头搭配到脚会使人们觉得你为了年轻而大费周章,实际上反倒让你变老了,"她指出 。但你可以搭配一个时髦的配饰,比如钱包或选择一个较中性的包包搭配印花或条纹帆布鞋 。
Hyper-Cleansing Your Skin
In the quest for a clear complexion, "oil" sounds like a dirty word. But cleansing with conventional products can dry out facial skin. Translation: It'll age you. (Worse, it can make skin over-produce oil.) When it comes to facial cleansers, those with fewer ingredients - and those that contain so-called "good" oils, such as S.W. Basics Cleanser often get the job done better and keep skin plump and hydrated.
在追求明亮肌肤时,"油"会给人很脏的感觉 。但传统的洁肤产品会使我们的面部肌肤变干,让你看起来显老 。(更糟糕的是,它会让皮肤过度分泌油脂 。)在面部清洁方面,选择那些成分较少和含有所谓的"好"油的产品,比如S.W. Basics Cleanser通常有较好的洁肤效果,同时还能使皮肤饱满、水灵 。
Covering Your Flaws With Foundation
Sure, you want to even out your skin tone. But slathering your face with heavy makeup will make wrinkles more prominent and skin appear dull.
当然,你想平衡自己的肤色 。但用厚重的化妆品遮瑕会使你的皱纹更加明显,也会使皮肤变得暗淡无光 。