It is not uncommon for every marriage to endure at least one trial. Things may become very dark in a marriage with stress added from financial problems, a health crisis, family problems, and many other daily issues that begin to chip away at the foundation of the marriage. A patch of marital strain need not result in divorce. A couple can resurrect the union through communication, dedicating time to share together, and a strong commitment to regain trust, respect, and affection. Some couples find counselling, regular dates, and other methods helpful to get back on track.
每段婚姻至少都会经历一次磨难,这并不罕见 。财务危机、健康问题、家庭问题和许多其它开始逐步瓦解婚姻基础的日常问题给人们施加的压力,使得婚姻变得非常黑暗 。修补婚姻中的紧张关系不会导致离婚 。夫妻可以通过沟通、花时间呆在一起和忠贞不渝的誓言重新在一起、再次获得彼此的信任、尊重和喜爱 。有些夫妻觉得咨询、定期约会和其它的方法有助于帮助婚姻重回正轨 。
I would never tell a couple to throw in the towel on their marriage just because the relationship begins to lack the former sparkle it had during the new love phase; however, after a point, a relationship is beyond repair, and divorce becomes the best option a couple has.
对于那些觉得自己的感情没有了当初热恋火花的夫妻,我从不建议他们对自己的婚姻认输 。然而,过了某个点后,如果这段感情无法修补,那离婚就是最好的选择 。
How do we know when a marriage is to the point of divorce? I'll give you 14 reasons:
1. You no longer talk, you just exchange information.
1. 你们不再交流,只是交换信息 。
2. The thought of going home and being with your spouse makes you feel depressed.
2. 一想到回家和老公/老婆在一起,你就会感到沮丧 。
3. You feel nothing when you look at your spouse……or you feel angry, hurt, or almost ill in their presence.
3. 看向老公/老婆时,你什么想法都没有……或者是他们在场时,你会感到生气、伤心、甚至是有点恶心 。
4. You dread knowing you have to have a conversation or feel that time together is forced.
4. 你害怕知道你们不得不进行对话或者感觉在一起的时光都是被迫的 。
5. You are barely able to be nice, and even argue with your spouse, even with others around.
5. 你很难对另一半客气,甚至他人在场的时候,还会和他/她争论 。
6. Your spouse demonstrates no respect or you feel no respect for them.
6. 你的另一半不尊重你,或者你也不尊重他/她 。
7. You are no longer intimate or the thought of being intimate makes you want to be sick.
7. 你们俩不再亲密,或者一想到亲密你就感到恶心 。
8. You no longer share any common activities or goals.
8. 你们不再有共同的活动或目标 。
9. Your free time is no longer spent together and you both prefer it that way.
9. 空闲的时候,你们不愿呆在一起,你们俩都很乐意这么做 。
10. Your interactions are usually arguments……or your interactions are chilly because neither of you care anymore.
10. 你们的互动通常都是争吵……或者你们俩的互动都非常冷静,因为你们都不再关心彼此 。
11. There is physical, emotional, verbal, financial, or sexual abuse in the relationship.
11. 你们的感情中出现身体、情感、口头、财务或性生活虐待 。
12. Your spouse refuses to interact or work on the concerns you express.
12. 另一半拒绝为你的担心排忧解难 。
13. You or your spouse purposely avoid spending time together.
13. 你或你的另一半故意避免俩人呆在一起 。
14. When you imagine your future, your spouse isn't part of it.
14. 当你想象未来时,另一半并不在其中 。