New York beat out 24 other global cities as the top city for attracting and fostering businesswomen, according to a new report by Dell.
San Francisco, London, Stockholm and Singapore rounded out the top five.
The study evaluated 50 cities around the world on access to capital, technology, workforce, culture and markets.
But while New York took the No. 1 spot in the Dell Women Entrepreneurs Index, it still scored 58.6 out of 100, or just barely over 50%, in the five categories that were analyzed.
"It implies there's room for improvement," said Jim Diffley, senior director at IHS, a consulting group that partnered with Dell on the report.
The study found access to capital is still the biggest barrier faced by female entrepreneurs.
According to extensive data and analysis, when impediments to female entrepreneurship are removed, there is a dramatic uplift in a city's economic prospects.