Its falsity would mean that the zeta-function did take the value zero at some point which was off the special line, in which case this point could be located by brute force, just by calculating enough values of the zeta-function.
说它是错误的也就是说,ζ 函数的某些零点并不在那条特定的直线上。这可以通过暴力计算来验证,只要计算出足够多的ζ函数的值。
This programme had already been started; indeed Riemann himself had located the first few zeroes and checked that they all lay on the special line.
In 1935-6, the Oxford mathematician E.C. Titchmarsh had used the punched-card equipment which was then used for the calculation of astronomical predictions to show that (in a certain precise sense) the first 104 zeroes of the zeta-function did all lie on the line.
1935年至1936年,牛津大学的数学家E.C.蒂施马奇用天文预测中使用的打孔卡片设备,证明了ζ 函数的前104个零点都在一条线上。
Alan's idea was essentially to examine the next few thousand or so in the hope of finding one off the line.
There were two aspects to the problem.
Riemann's zeta-function was defined as the sum of an infinite number of terms, and although this sum could be re-expressed in many different ways, any attempt to evaluate it would in some way involve making an approximation.
首先,黎曼的ζ 函数的定义,是一个无限项的和式,尽管可以表示成一些其它的形式,但这些变形都要涉及到估算的问题。
It was for the mathematician to find a good approximation, and to prove that it was good: that the error involved was sufficiently small.
Such work did not involve computation with numbers, but required highly technical work with the calculus of complex numbers.
Titchmarsh had employed a certain approximation which, rather romantically, had been exhumed from Riemann's own papers at Gttingen where it had lain for seventy years.
But for extending the calculation to thousands of new zeroes a fresh approximation was required; and this Alan set out to find and to justify.