Despite its name, the Telluride WOW Fitness Festival isn't just about push-ups, crunches, and burpees. There is also great advice being shared - including this nugget from trainer Jonathan Ross: "One bad meal won't transform your body, just like one good meal won't equal immediate results; the body builds itself from habit." If you're curious to know which habits matter in the long run, Jonathan offered up his rules for things you should never! do when it comes to eating.
除去名字不谈,Telluride WOW Fitness Festival并不只是俯卧撑、仰卧起坐和波比跳 。这也是大家都在分享的很棒的建议--包括乔纳森·罗斯教练给出的建议:"吃一次垃圾食品并不会改变你的身体,就好像一顿健康的饮食也不会立马产生效果一样;身体是根据你的习惯慢慢形成的 。"如果你十分好奇什么样的习惯会产生长远效果,那就看看乔纳森给出的建议吧:永远不要吃这些食物!
Drink: You've heard it before, but soda, juice, and other store-bought beverages are some of the biggest obstacles when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. They contain no real nutrition and are basically nothing but sugar, the trainer adds. The one exception Jonathan makes for this rule are healthy smoothies. Look for recipes that contain fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
饮料:你之前已经听人提起过,但苏打水、橙汁和其它店铺饮料都是维持健康饮食的最大障碍之一 。教练补充说,这些饮料一点营养都没有,基本成分都是糖 。但乔纳森表示有一种饮品例外,那就是健康的果蔬汁 。找一些含有纤维、蛋白质和健康脂肪的菜谱吧 。
Skip meals: When you want to change your body, nutrition is key. "Fill your gut to lose your gut," says Jonathan. "It's the best way to lose weight and keep the body going." Jonathan also advises to eat "real food" - the more you know about where it came from or what it's made of, the better. Eat four to six small meals each day, and make sure that protein is a component in everything you eat, he says.
有时会不吃饭:如果你想使自己的身体发生转变,那营养很关键 。"吃得饱才能减肥,"乔纳森说 。"这是最好的减肥办法、还能让你的身体继续长 。"乔纳森还建议吃"真正的食物"--对食物的产地和质地越清楚越好 。他说,每天吃4至6顿小餐,并确保所吃的食物都含有蛋白质 。
Eat fried foods: Yes, Jonathan did say that occasional indulgences are OK, but fried foods are something he almost always steers clear of, saying they're "completely destructive to the body." Fried foods are widely available (and cheap), making them hard to steer clear of, but the amount of trans fat they contain should be enough to scare anyone, he says.
吃油炸食品:是的,乔纳森的确说过偶尔放纵一下自己是可以的,但他总是避开油炸食品,说它们会"彻底毁了自己的身体 。"他说,现在油炸食品到处可见,而且还便宜,因此很难避开不吃,但油炸食品含有的反式脂肪却足以吓坏任何人 。
Eat sugars or grains at night: While Jonathan is a huge fan of whole grains, he says to avoid them at night, along with sugar and starches. Just like trainer Bob Harper, Jonathan believes that breakfast should be the heartiest meal of the day; from there, gradually lighten. Starches and grains are more calorie-dense and shouldn't be consumed at night when the body is winding down, says Jonathan.
晚上吃含糖食品或谷物:虽然乔纳森是全谷物的忠实爱好者,但他却说晚上最好不要吃,含糖或淀粉食物也应一同避开 。和鲍勃·哈珀教练一样,乔纳森认为早餐应该是一天中最有营养的一顿,然后开始慢慢减少食物量 。乔纳森说,夜晚时分,人们的身体会放松下来,而淀粉和谷物的热量会更加集中,因此更不该在这时候摄入这些食物 。