日期:2017-08-01 15:51



Essential oils are used for a multitude of ailments and other benefits. Among the many oils is tea tree. Tea tree is one of the most common current essential oils being used today. It has numerous benefits that can improve your life in many different ways.
Skin benefits
Tea tree is well known for its ability to reduce infection and other skin ailments. Some of those skin ailments are blisters, rashes, burns, skin infections, and dandruff. It can heal and soothe sunburn, relieves itching due to rashes, treats lice, treats fleas in pets, and helps remove ticks. It is also known to cure toenail fungus and athlete's foot. I have even used it on my adult acne and to remove skin tags.




Healing power
Tea tree has been used to treat ear infections, warts, ringworm and bad breath. It has also been used to treat chicken pox, to relieve asthma and other respiratory illnesses, and cold sores. Sore throats can be soothed with tea tree and boiling water as you breathe in the vapors. This will also help with any congestion as well. Tea tree oil should not be ingested but used topically or in a diffuser instead.
茶树油还被用来治疗耳部感染、疣、癣和口臭tZ*I~|).Ho8gApVRJ。而且茶树油也用于治疗水痘,缓解哮喘和其他呼吸系统疾病以及感冒疮M^rrV]ShRF!3%7nVH@E。 当你呼吸茶树油的蒸汽的时候,茶树油和沸水相结合,可以缓解喉咙痛QRfV-*&QRV#Z#y。 而且还有助于治疗淤血htdQj5p0l%S。 茶树油不能吞服,而是用于局部或扩散器~PCY@2]|bG%SCSYE||J
Household uses
Tea tree oil is amazing as a household cleaner. It kills bacteria, fights mold and mildew, freshens the air, boosts laundry, and disinfects the entire house when used in a homemade cleaner. Use tea tree in your laundry to freshen up your clothes or use it to freshen up the carpet. You can use tea tree to eliminate unwanted pests like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, and ticks.
茶树油作为家庭清洁剂使用,效果惊人3(-8@%iRr3yD7。 茶树油可以杀死细菌,防止霉菌和霉变,清新空气,让衣物洗涤更加干净,而且可以用在自制的清洁器中,对整个房间进行消毒oP|_hON0C7。在洗衣服的时候,放点茶树油,可以让衣物更加鲜亮,而且可以让地毯焕然一新Y55J4Dl!FHqo(UqU。你可以使用茶树油精华来消除讨厌的害虫,如蚊子,跳蚤,虱子和蜱虫;GS%a[61!-|rq


