1. Prioritize the coming week
Though you have two days between Friday and the next work week, knowing what to expect come Monday will help you relax over the weekend. Get a rough outline put together about the upcoming events, tasks, project deadlines, and other things that will be done. Discuss what will be happening in the future with your colleagues to make sure everyone is on the same page.
虽然你在周五和下一周的工作日之间有两天的时候,知道下周一要做什么,会有助于你在周末放松 。做一个粗略的大纲,将下周的活动,任务,项目截止日期和其他将要完成的事情,放在一起 。和你的同事讨论一下后面将要发生的事情,要确保每个人都达成共识 。
2. Go for a walk
If you have a decent lunch break, recharge your batteries by getting up from the desk and taking a walk. It does not have to be outside. Simply stretch your legs, meander the office space, and let your mind wander. If you can get outside, head somewhere where there is plenty of greenery, as this will boost your mood and make you feel more awake. Better yet, bring a group along for the trip for some team-building.
如果你享受了非常好的午餐,你可以通过从桌子旁边站起来,然后散步一会儿来给自己充电 。你并不需要去外面散步 。简单地伸展你的胳膊,在办公室的空间中漫步,让你的思想得到放松 。如果你可以到外面散步的haunted,你可以去一些绿化很多的地方,因为这可以振奋你的情绪,让你感觉更加清醒 。更好的办法就是,你可以带着一个团队一起散步,有助于培养团队感情 。
3. Visit your coworkers
A valuable resource in the office would be your coworkers. These people are tackling the same matters you are. Walk around the office, stopping by every desk to simply check in with people and learn a little about them.
办公室内一种有价值的资源就是你的同事 。这些人正在处理和你一样的问题 。在办公室走一圈,在每个办公桌旁边停一下,然后看看其他人的工作,从他们身上学习一些东西 。
Successful CEOs also use the end of the week to notice the accomplishments of their employees. Not only is it great to know the people you are working with, but the simple action of checking in with everyone creates a sense of community that boosts morale to finish the week on a high note.
成功的总裁也会利用一周快要结束的时候,看看员工的成绩 。了解和你共事的人,不仅是一件很好的事情,而且这种简单的检查行为可以营造一种集体感,这种集体感可以提升士气,从而以一种成就的快感来结束一周的工作 。
4. Make a routine
Many CEOs and successful people are notorious for having routines. Organization is crucial to success, after all. Take 15 to 30 minutes every Friday to clean out your email inbox, clean the office, organize your files, catch up on the latest industry news, and reduce all that psychological clutter that could bog down your Monday.
许多总裁和成功人士都因为一些日常活动而出名 。毕竟,组织性是成功的关键 。你可以在每周五花15到30分钟来清理你的电子邮件收件箱,打扫办公室,整理你的文件,追踪一下最近的行业新闻,减少这种心理上的混乱,否则这些会让你在周一的时候陷入困境 。